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Best female character?

Member Lahar
Vindictus Rep: 1,285
Posts: 172
edited January 24, 2017 in New Recruits
Which female character do you consider the most interesting in terms of game play?

I'm pretty sure it's Arisha. Simply rank your own in terms of ease of use, damage potential, reliable skills, stylish looking character and moves. When I get bored I try other characters though I'm not interesting in using more then one well geared on a regular basis at max level.
  1. Which female character do you consider most interesting to use?162 votes
    1. Arisha
       25% (41 votes)
    2. Lynn
       16% (26 votes)
    3. Evie
       25% (41 votes)
    4. Fiona
       9% (15 votes)
    5. Delia
       11% (18 votes)
    6. Vella
       13% (21 votes)


  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    I would definitely pick Arisha or Delia. Delia for sure because of ease of use. Arisha is a bit more challenging for beginners, but if you like a challenge, go for it.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    Arisha is definitely the most interesting to me mostly because of her recently added MP/SP swap ability. You get a lot of freedom in what you can do now because you don't have to focus so hard on both SP and MP upkeep. As QueenOfMana said though, she's challenging, and I'd actually rank her at the top in terms of difficulty (used to contest with Lynn, but Swift Assassin duration was removed).
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    For a new player I would say Evie is the easiest to use with Lynn being difficult.

    I consider Lynn, Arisha and Evie the most interesting ones.
  • Member Cessa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    There is nothing inherently difficult about playing Arisha at all.

    In fact, because she has so many tools at her disposal she has the ability to output consistent and top tier damage at any point of the battle. She can close and dump damage onto a boss almost non-stop.

    She has really good defensive tools as well.
    Outside of deflection she has one of the most responsive and available blocks in the game. Because of the speed of her attacks as well I will say she has the best block. It comes out of almost all of her attacks really quickly and so you can play almost in a reactionary way with it. Meaning that you can attack almost all you want and the wait time before you can safely attack and have to block or dodge is minimal compared to almost all of the other characters. Try doing your smash attacks non-stop as Vella and then go cross stance out of it in reaction to a boss's attack. You will get hit. You need to pump your attack speed way up to minimize these situations with the other characters. It's much less so with Arisha because of how fast her attacks are executed and how easily she can go out of them into her block or dodge.

    Her dodge has a medium distance to it and it has great invincibility frames.
    In terms of block and dodge only Delia has it better than Arisha does.
    And almost nothing outstrips her in total amount of time spent invincible. With her block, dodge, and warp she can bypass almost all boss attacks that anyone else would find threatening.

    Arisha is the best designed character. And in the female lineup, only Scythe Evie is easier to play.

    Her warp, her mana flurry, ruin blade, counter drain, and now her ability to change sp to mp as well? Coupled with her defensive mechanics, this gives her great damage potential and I find you really need a top tier scythe Evie to outdamage a well played Arisha.


    Now to play them well? All are pretty hard. Chainblade Vella is the easiest one to play. Then Scythe Evie.
    But if you intend to play at the endgame level where you solo raids with no pots and no trans for your scrubby pub party then all of them are difficult.
    And in terms of your criteria of "ease of use, damage potential, reliable skills, stylish looking character and moves."

    Then it goes in this order

    scythe Evie
    chainblade Vella
    staff Evie
    twinsword Vella
    hammer Fiona
    sword Fiona


    For reference, you can check these out in an almost apples to apples comparison.



    Fiona, hammer + large shield:

    Fiona, sword + small shield:


    Evie, scythe:

    Evie, staff:

    Vella, chainblades:

    Vella, twinswords:

    If it's not already apparent from the videos, Arisha has the most enjoyable and varied endgame playstyle, again, simply because she has options on what to do at any point, block, dodge, attack, counter drain, ruin blade, mana flurry, save mp now or use it now, generate mp from sp, warp, restore stamina, etc. All of these combined together makes for a very efficient and fun to play character. At no point in her gameplay will you have to sit there and go "dang... I didn't have enough time to do what I wanted to do to maximize my dps."
  • Member Nytsuya
    Vindictus Rep: 2,710
    Posts: 108
    I've played all of these characters ... Delia is the best by a mile. Seriously. Her only set back is you wont be having fun with her at all until Late endgame.

    Once you break 50+ speed Delia becomes one of the most hyper aggressive characters in the game. Honestly, The vid posted above Didn't do her any justice. They were playing too cautiously and artifacts are disabled in Ein.. A Delia with out her Cat Statue is like a bird with out wings..

    Yea.. her kit is pretty dam simple, especially compared to Arisha... but IMO Arisha is over designed and complex where Delia is the Very definition of K.I.S.S.

    Her kit just works. You don't have to worry about dumb gimmicks like Lynn. You don't need to hold aggro to do dmg like Fiona. You don't need to worry TOO MUCH about lag like Vella does. No need to maintain yet another resource like mana ...

    You only have one job. Do Damage as relentlessly as possible while maintaining your 2 buffs. That's it.

    I've played this game nearly 6 years now and I can say without a doubt in my mind that Delia, is one of the best characters in the game. Not just limited to females. It's just so unfortunate that you need to invest so much into her before she gets to that stage.
  • Member Breadman
    Vindictus Rep: 1,680
    Posts: 149
    edited January 24, 2017
    Mostly what Cessa said. I would put hammer on harder to use versus sword, and sword is almost close to Arisha in terms having a well rounded and full kit. Arisha probably just edges Fiona out in that Arisha works across all levels and gears.

    Also, I would say Ein is a good standard to see how characters are now with Neamhain being out. I highly doubt many will be carrying cat statues in favor of fang in there especially in a PUG environment.
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    I've a pretty good Arisha at level 90 though I'm finding Lynn a more fun play style to use as I get better. I would say Arisha is a very strong character and so is Lynn if you practice. As for beginners who are terrible staff Evie would be your best choice, very simple character when it comes to parties and raids.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    arisha is very fun for sure. but i think fiona is equally fun. dmg output wise delia should be on top of the list on par with scythe evie. but delia's skills can be a bit repetitive.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    You could level each female character up to Lv. 60 and then decide which one you like the most best.
  • Member GhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    I personally find Fiona funner but she's lacking in damage output. That being said deflection has made her a marvelously fun character to play.
  • Member Criminy
    Vindictus Rep: 1,225
    Posts: 40
    I think they're all interesting in their own ways. TS Vella is probably the most boring though. Spacebar cross cut rinse repeat.

    Arisha is pretty simple to play
    Lynn has her orb mechanic and is pretty fun if not slightly underpowered
    Evie has been a popular character since forever. Both Staff and Scythe are great especially after the revamp
    Fiona has block dodge deflect and counter. Fun to play but damage is a bit low. Good at knocking down bosses
    Delia I haven't played enough to comment about
    Vella TS to me is the most boring to play. Chains can get breakoffs without spears but most the Vella's I know don't like chains. She isn't bad either.

    Just try them all!
  • Member Bowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    edited January 31, 2017
    I'm and Arisha main, I'm gonna be biased, but her playstyle is really fun. Other people have already said what needs to be said about difficulty, dps, and the other stuff that doesn't matter, so I'll give you what does, f a s h i o n.

    Overall, I think Arisha is the easiest to make "good" looking, and can really wear anything and make it work. Other characters sort of have a theme to their look, like Evie and Lynn both look like children, Fiona tends to have a "stop looking at the clock while I'm talking" face, and Delia is an alien that though Mrs. Incredible's hips were normal. Arisha is effectively a clean slate barbie that can be any type of style you want.
  • Member The_Villain
    Vindictus Rep: 1,550
    Posts: 103
    edited January 31, 2017
    The only female character I haven't played yet is Fiona, so I don't have much of an opinion of her due to that.

    In terms of being the most fun to use?

    Arisha and Vella(both weapons).

    My main gripe with Arisha was the time it took to build up mana vs how fast you'd run out of it. She can do massive damage and is fun in general but only when things are going perfectly, which rarely ever do in a party settings. Too many interrupting variables such as Lynns full stack flinch, staff Evie' VERY annoying freezes, kiting Kais, Hurks deflections/blockades(not sure what that attack is that knocks the boss off balance) or just people randomly dodging towards you when you're least expecting a boss attack. She's amazing for solo play, but you'll end up being frustrated/annoyed in party settings.

    Sword Vella perfectly mixes offense with defense and once you understand her sword abilities, she gets even more fun to use once you figure out there's more depth to her than just cross cutting. She has an answer for basically every single type of attack, as well as being able to stop any attack combo to go back into cross stance to CC or Backlash, whichever the situation calls for. You'll definitely get bored of her if all you do is sit there and cross cut + double cross and the more speed you have the more aggressive you can be, pulling off crazy cross chains while quickly racking up massive amounts of damage. She's great for both party and solo runs, while the only thing(s) that really slow her momentum down are staff Evies.

    Chain Vella is the version of Vella that gets stale to me as she is more spam oriented than swords, but still she does so much damage. That's about all I have to say about those.

    Delia is really graceful to watch in how her attacks flow together, and the huge amounts of damage she can dish out is just icing on the cake. Even while being the slowest character animations, she makes up for it with her strength. It also plays into her favor being that it promotes you to be more patient and attentive to the boss and your positioning, either finish the attack combo, ion thrust, or simply dodge out of the way or guard. She's fun in her own right, but that can get pretty stale as well.

    Evie.. I have a love/hate relationship with her. Scythe wise, she can be fun to use but you need A LOT of speed to be able to play optimally with her. Staff Evie.. is annoying. Boring to use, powerful and deals out a lot of damage in quick bursts, but still... so boring. Probably going to get hate for it, but oh well. She's good to use in a party setting, in that she has good recovery options that can affect others, as well having her ice spells temporarily halting boss movements which is fine.. As long as you're not using a counter-based character.

    Lynn. She's a walking nuclear bomb. Pretty much everybody's favorite favorite "loli" character. Cool to play with, but not exactly my cup of tea.

    With all this said, I don't think any character is more fun/interesting than the other. It comes down to the users preference and how comfortable/committed they are to learning the character~

    I personally prefer Vella though lol. It's a shame, the character that gets harassed the most is the character that gets the least amount of respect~
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    Two weapons I both like and hate.
    Vella twin swords: Very fast attacks but sluggish defense moves.
    Vella chain blades: powerful offense, terrible defense.

    Lv 90 Lynn and Arisha. Both are pretty good but Arisha seems better, easier.
  • Member GhengisJohn
    Vindictus Rep: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    Criminy wrote: »
    Just try them all!

    Best advice really.
    Bowtacojr wrote: »
    Fiona tends to have a "stop looking at the clock while I'm talking" face

    Lol You got my upvote just for that. I love that face, personally.
  • Member DNAnthraX
    Vindictus Rep: 850
    Posts: 51
    Lynn stacking and bursting the marks satisfying af.
  • Member PlayerOOOl
    Vindictus Rep: 1,270
    Posts: 45
  • Member Lahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    edited February 20, 2017
    Arisha is definitely the strongest character.
  • Member Parjs
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Posts: 4
    Infact, most of everybody would choose their first character by their character looks (if I don't want to say that is true for all).

    So the right question is "Which female character do you consider the most interesting in terms of their looks?"

    And the answer is?

    - Arisha! (the results proved)

    Now we assume that all female characters would have the SAME LOOKS! What would you choose? XD

    +1 Vella for me.
  • Member Samalenko
    Vindictus Rep: 1,475
    Posts: 221
    Evie is imo strongest and easiest chars, Both weaps are quite unique in play style