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Level appropriate 1-80 equipment sets are now provided as story rewards upon completion of the following storylines:
Gwynn's Revenge -> Gnoll Chieftain weapons (lv 10s) + Scarlet Witch / Crimson Rage (Spider Cloth for Sylas)
Scattered Orders -> Red Metal weapon (Emuloch Staff if Ebie, ~lv 16s)
Fate of Kirstie's Nemesis -> Sweetie Bear / Savage Leather + ? weapons.
Evidence -> Broken Ash / Blood Prince + Ainle weapons. (lv30s)
The Chase -> Rose Drop / War Edge (Pitbull for Sylas ?) + Black Scar weapons. (lv35s)
Fare Thee Well -> Nightmare gear. (armor + weapon)
Test of a True Soldier, No. 3 -> Royal Cadet / Academia + Ivory weaps.
Suspicion -> Hilder Forest sets + Taonus weaps.
Those Who Run, and Those Who Fight -> Titan gear.
The Ones Remaining: The Guardian -> Mhara/Apo + Red Elchu weaps.
A Good Turn -> Pirate/Black Pearl/CBP + Laki weaps.
Anyone welcome to complete the list if they can. I originally posted in the update thread but I think a whole new one will be better.

The Ones Remaining: The Guardian......Equipment: Mhara Set.............................Weapon: Joyous Crook & Light Splitter
A Good Turn..................................................Equipment: Classic Black Pearl Set......Weapon: Crown Staff & Avian Scythe
A Good Turn..................................................Equipment: Black Pearl Set.....................Weapon: Outlaw & Abyss
Oh nice really glad to hear we're getting the best set for lv 80. I'll add to the main post, thanks : )
Scattered Orders -> Emuloch Staff?
Fate of Kirstie's Nemesis -> Rune Staff? Crimson Blade Scythe? Sweetie Bear set
Evidence -> Watchtower staff, Crescent Moon scythe, and Broken Ash set (formerly Exquisite until the name change)
The Chase -> Fine Steel staff, Death Crown scythe, and Rose Drop set
Test of a True Soldier, No. 3 -> Ivory weapons and Academia (the Black Belly INT equivalent of Royal Cadet)
These items aren't (Event) or (Permanent) or anything like that.
They are the same as craftables and can be traded through the marketplace or mailed.
At least from the items I received that is, gonna guess it's like this for all lvl up story equipment.
Oh yeah there are those certain weapons/chars that don't have every single tier of gear... like, there are no Staff lv44 f.e. so it's gonna be kind of annoying to explain what you gain at certain lvl. Haven't lvld an Evie since it's my main for years now so it's hard to know what she has. (Red Metal Dagger/Spellsword exists so it's easier, but there are no Red Metal Staff indeed it's the Emuloch one at the same lvl tier.)
But yeah, I can see what kind of gear for lower lvls now. Thanks for the contribution. Guess it needs only lv60 rewards now, I suppose we get Titan gear ? (or Colru)
Titan gear makes sense because "Those Who Run, and Those Who Fight" is the Titan-related story. I got confirmation that Evie gets Rakum Rakish staff, Braided Tassle scythe, and Broken Feather armor which is Titan gear, but judging by the marketplace...I think some characters might get something different.
Sure good point. However, I remember Karok not having Titan gear so I guess only this char has it different, hmm.
There is simply no Broken Feather helm, but he probably got the Earrings, did he ? If not, rip. Old Evie sets used to have no helm but earrings accs instead.
I can confirm that Evie gets the full set and that there is no helm. Temptress and Broken Feather gear have earrings instead.
Any Sylas by the way ? Since he can't wear Rose Drop, I am wondering which set does he get, Pitbull ?
Nothing is bound, can enhance/enchant/infuse as well. It's simple gear indeed.
Any news about what set Karok gets at lv60 ? And Sylas sets ? (after completing The Chase, etc)
i wish i didnt do the story for the 80 gear on my alts... this was when season 2 was released and people were hopping on each others boats for exp fuggggg