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Help with DPS

Member RaRain
Vindictus Rep: 200
Posts: 15
in Evie
I am using scythe and i have been using it for quite a while, but i seem to be doing something wrong because my dmg is not showing. My stats are 24k att ,90 bal, 119 crit and 72 att speed. I am still working on my crit and it will get to 130 soon, also i am planing to increase my speed to 74 so it can reach 101 with IR. Not the best stats but its not awful, my main concern is how low my dps is. even on sandbag targets like kraken i still dont so much.

My normal rotation is 3rd smash>dash 1st+2nd (daemon splitter) and then 4th smash. i use arcane gate whenever i can, always keep IR on and use void star whenever i have sp left over. I am also able to dodge very well and dont die often in raids. Although this might sound like im doing well, i often place 5th-3rd in most raids and do between 10-15% to boss.

I was hoping that someone knows what a good way for high DPS is. also my solo time for muir is around 2 min.


  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    I'm guessing you have a +10 Weapon. That's why you're not placing past 3rd is my guess. I also main a Scythe Evie with even less stats than you and a +10 Righteous Bloodlust, and everytime I take 3rd or lower somebody is in there w/ a +12 or greater fully enchanted weapon OR there is a Ceastus Karok or Xgun Kai (both these characters will out dps you given equal gear and skill) . Other than that, on sandbags you should make sure you are 2x Void Star while on Arcane Gate Cooldown. (activate from run - grab)
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    Arcane Gate is not the best sp sink, you are better off putting priority on void star and using arcane gate with your excess sp. For best results, put sp reduction on your void star to leave you more breathing room.

    You can minimize the recovery frames by using void star after snapping or after horrific scream. And make sure to enhance your 3rd and 4th smashes by pulling, just incase someone reading forgot.

    As for Kraken, aim your void star to the side and position your evie to the left side of head, it gets you double hits from hitting top tent and head. Her sandbag dps is one of the highest in the game but is surpassed by quite a number of classes once stims and trans is involved. So don't bother comparing how close or far you were from top, but gauge your own results by keeping tabs on the length of the run and how much damage you did.
  • Member RaRain
    Vindictus Rep: 200
    Posts: 15
    Ty for the tips, it seems that void star is an important part that i dont use as often as i should. Also im using a +13 regina scythe and all equips are fully scrolled.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    edited January 19, 2017
    RaRain wrote: »
    I am using scythe and i have been using it for quite a while, but i seem to be doing something wrong because my dmg is not showing. My stats are 24k att ,90 bal, 119 crit and 72 att speed. I am still working on my crit and it will get to 130 soon, also i am planing to increase my speed to 74 so it can reach 101 with IR. Not the best stats but its not awful, my main concern is how low my dps is. even on sandbag targets like kraken i still dont so much.<br />
    <br />
    My normal rotation is 3rd smash>dash 1st+2nd (daemon splitter) and then 4th smash. i use arcane gate whenever i can, always keep IR on and use void star whenever i have sp left over. I am also able to dodge very well and dont die often in raids. Although this might sound like im doing well, i often place 5th-3rd in most raids and do between 10-15% to boss.<br />
    <br />
    I was hoping that someone knows what a good way for high DPS is. also my solo time for muir is around 2 min.

    Im really surprised nobody mentioned this. The problem is your rotation. Blink shift -> Horrific scream is terrible DPS as it is extremely slow and doesnt hit hard.

    The best DPS rotation is 3rd smash/4th smash + pull, then snap. When blinking, it is fine to land the quick blade shift + pull to do an enhanced life drain as it is very fast, but going into the full horrific scream combo is almost always a bad idea unless you need stamina for some reason (which you shouldnt in raids, since you have IR) or the boss is going to die anyway so it doesnt matter.

    Arcane gate is amazing DPS...IF you can land the last hit at the very least. Unfortunately its poorly designed so its very random. Bosses can easily hit you while you are in the casting animation or right as you popout to attack, and short of having clairvoyance, you cant do anything about it as its very luck dependant. Bosses can also decide to fly away, teleport or otherwise become invulnerable right as you use it.

    On Kraken head though, its very safe except for two situations :

    -Tent aggros you and slaps you as you are doing arcane gate, this shouldnt happen unless you are head rushing or the person on tent screws up

    -The head decides to flinch away right as you popout to deliver the last hit, this can easily happen if you just spam right click, try to time the last hits so you are right next to the head and before it starts rearing up/down

    With some practice you can land arcane gate last hits most of the time on non-sandbags as well, but its still subject to a very annoying luck factor. No matter what you do, sometimes the boss will just decide to do a very quick attack to hit you right as you popout to land a hit. Hero succubus is a great example of this, she will grab you to do the SP drain attack most of the time if you attempt to use arcane gate.

    Arcane gate massively outdamages void star in both DPS and for damage per SP cost. Assuming you land all hits (you probably have to whiff the casting animation hit), it has a damage multiplier of around 6.0 IIRC. Void star has a damage multiplier of 0.455 and most non-sandbag bosses will move out of the AOE before it explodes.

    The only time I would suggest using void star over arcane gate is when you have a nearly full SP bar or on special bosses like Braha where arcane gate should be saved till right after you switch sides.
  • Member Atherion
    Vindictus Rep: 3,520
    Posts: 301
    edited January 19, 2017
    Void star comes out instantly and cancels recovery animations on various actions allowing you to essentially use it with little impact on the rest of your combo.

    Yea sure if you directly compare the multipliers of VS to AG, it probably loses out, but you are not factoring in the fact you are also performing your basic dps combo between VS cd.
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Arcane gate still does massively more damage than void star + MOD + BT.

    Simply take a video, record how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag. Arcane gate still wins easily.
  • Member X1Guts1X
    Vindictus Rep: 1,795
    Posts: 273
    edited January 30, 2017
    I use 3rd and 4th smash +pull when I have IR up. I use Aracane gate on cooldown. I use void start or 2xVoid star when im floating SP and on Aracne gate cooldown. I use running void star to cancel a running snap, and regular void star after 4th smash pull to cancel. I have a +10 weapon and place 4th-3rd consistently. Take it for what it's worth. If there is a better rotation than this I'm not aware of it.
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    edited March 8, 2017
    Question2 wrote: »
    Arcane gate still does massively more damage than void star + MOD + BT.

    Simply take a video, record how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag. Arcane gate still wins easily.

    I don't think so, because you can spam void star back to back twice if you have the SP to do it whenever it's up, and it is only a 5 second cooldown, with a cat statue and keep doing smashes, you can probably do 20-30 void stars before Arcane Gate's cooldown is ready. So let's say I take the less number of 20 void stars, it would be 20*5k = 100k Dmg non crit, 20*10k = 200k Dmg crit, we can take the middle which is 150k Dmg just from spamming Void Star alone, and plus MOD + BT in the meantime, you will have a lot more DPS than 1 single Arcane Gate in 1:30 to 2:00 cooldown, which is roughly around 50k non-crit to 90k crit DMG. I spam void star very often and I get usually top 3 in S3 raids with it.
  • Member jakker
    Vindictus Rep: 655
    Posts: 18
    -3rd smash +pull 4th smash +pull (DONT FORGET THE PULL JESUS) snap repeat
    -always keep reaper up (cooldownreduction)
    -forget about horrific scream, void star and your first smashes. useless
    -at certain points on mobile bosses hell quake und arcane gate gets dps-efficient
    -buy succubus fang and do them crazy stuffs with xe-move .. whoops nevermind
  • Member Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    You should not be factoring in cooldowns. Keep in mind that the limiting factor is usually SP. If you can generate more SP than you can use then sure spam void star, but for 750 sp, arcane gate is the most efficient.

    You are also making a huge assumption that you can get off MOD+BT and you are not taking into account how easy it is for the boss to move out of void star's AOE, or the fact that you need to waste time getting into sprint mode to use void star that way.

    Its really easy to test which does the highest DPS, time your muir runs, one with arcane gate+void star and one with void star spam only.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Question2 wrote: »
    Its really easy to test which does the highest DPS, time your muir runs, one with arcane gate+void star and one with void star spam only.

    Pointless to have Arcane dealing more DPS if the following happens :
    Question2 wrote: »
    Unfortunately its poorly designed so its very random. Bosses can easily hit you while you are in the casting animation or right as you popout to attack, and short of having clairvoyance, you cant do anything about it as its very luck dependant. Bosses can also decide to fly away, teleport or otherwise become invulnerable right as you use it.

    Void Star is underrated, not due to damage but about how far it can actually hit.

    I'm mostly top dps with my +10 Twink-BL against people with +12 or much higher. And I usually barely uses Arcane, probably like only once every raid, or twice at best. Rest comes from Void Star "spam".

    Horrific Scream isn't all bad either, if you play aggressively, you might run out of stamina even with IR. Problem for me is how sometimes, the stamina regeneration ability from the smash doesn't even work, even if I did land the smash as I have the proof by getting Spirit Bind but yet, my stam didn't regend for some reasons.
    Or the fact the smash itself can be kind of annoying and barely hits, especially at Glas ffffuu. Gonna blame it on myself tho as in the past, I used to manage the reverse controls of it pretty well.

    Arcane Gate doesn't make me confident at all. It's obviously not bad, the thing is how unlucky you can be while using it :
    - either have some s3 bosses using a red attack and gets you hit during the snap animation.
    - like you said before -> boss going teleport mode (keaghan, iset, lugh) or invuls (f*ck pantheum, I really mean it).
    - there are a few bugs still occuring with Arcane : I somehow managed to get hit during the snap animation... in Titan. Does he happen to have secret red attacks no one is aware of ? ugh.
    Or another one at Lord Glas Gewellean -> anyone that remembers the boss changes patch (Ingkara shadows, WQ's burrying, and so on), that time when they made the last hit of Glas' 5 combo not red anymore.. guess what ? Arcane's animation still get hit through hit, as the attack was still red for AG, somehow.

    Anyway, to go back to DPS, it depens on the bosses. I tend to avoid using Arcane just by personal confidence, however I would still not use it on bosses that might get me over it such as Lugh or Iset.
    Mind there are also specific time where you can abuse of Arcane Gate just to make sure you can hit with AG like after taking down Glas' barrier, since he has a "long" moment of weakness after getting pierced, it's a great moment for using Arcane.

    I still like to overuse Void Star for the same reasons as Atherion : it cancels so much animation and makes it much faster to use, while I feel "slow" using Arcane if I don't use Werewolf Paw.
    Last thing : about 'double' Void Star -> it was obviously much easier in XE as we had auto-sprint, so it was really usable but in PRE, I feel like wasting my time since I have to sprint first. However, since normals doesn't use stamina in PRE, I feel like "free" for using Void Star immediately after one normal attack, as they don't consume any stamina + I often use one normal after I've Blinked to get back on the fight faster.
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    edited March 8, 2017
    I don't know how you can miss void star in raid bosses in S3, first of all, Void Star is patched with Evie Revamp where if you sprint cast it, it will auto aim at the center of the boss and its range is pretty wide, I rarely miss void star on them. Sprint time factor is completely irrelevant here because if you can sprint cast, you will cast 2 VS back to back without cooldown, so it cancels the sprint time 100%. And you need to factor in the fact that Arcane Gate is a 2 min cooldown, 1:30 cooldown if you are doing snaps in between, and if you are landing your combos right, you will have more than enough SP to spam Void Star, because if you do all the marks and snaps, you get 250SP, and it is very easy to do and constantly spam it because it is only 5 sec cooldown and animation is quick and can cancel snaps. And as for muir, i finish muir faster with VS spam because the area is so narrow you cant miss the target at all, it sometimes even does the break-off for me which is a bonus =P

    oh and i didn't even assume the dmg of MoD and Threads in my VS calculation, without it, its already exceeds AG alone even when you only hit 15 of 30 VS you can spam in 90 seconds, and in between you can also snaps for extra damage. I can make the same argument about you making the assumption that you will hit the final hit on AG to do the yellow dmg, but I'm not going to because I wanna tell you that, under an ideal situation that both hit 100%, VS does more dmg than AG. AG hit box can be buggy sometimes, and not everyone can hit all 5 hits on the boss that you say it was very difficult to land VS on lol, @Gewellirious already made some good points about it.
  • Member MrGatto
    Vindictus Rep: 1,575
    Posts: 106
    edited March 8, 2017
    Meh,Void star is an annoying skill imo.
    Blocks a lot of view for both me and for everyone whos not using 0% skill effect display +can even lag others with weaker pcs. 'maybe thats why the +dps cause you lag others with it? :D '
    Rather use Arcane Gate and 'hope' for no bullshet from the boss:P
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    I just did a PUG Group in Eochaid spamming void star just to test it out, I have a +12 I/J Regina Scythe and a cat statue, I did not use insane reaper at all because I have 60 spd and I manage my stamina well, and my combo is to do all 4 enhanced smash, then snaps, because sacrifice does a decent amount of dmg and it gives a lot of SP back. I used about 3 Arcane Gate and I spent the rest of the excess SP on VS only, and I did not use transformation either. And I was able to top DPS against people with +13 or higher in my group.

    I know VS can be very situational, but in S3 Raid bosses you can generally hit them with it because the range itself is really wide. I dont use it at all when I'm doing nifi or Neamhaim though because they are super fast and jump all over the place.

  • Member Ryoukai
    Vindictus Rep: 525
    Posts: 35
    edited March 11, 2017
    So if I did use Void Star rather than Arcane Gate, when would I be using it? On cooldown? Wouldn't it be better to use it when you have excess (3 bars) so that you can cast Insane Reaper on cooldown?

    Also, If I can land my smashes but can't pull for the enhanced snaps (because maybe I needed to dodge right after the smash) should I snap with the non-enhanced snap, or should I try to enhance over it with another smash-pull?

    I also notice that some Evies blink-normal attack rather than double blinking in order to close gaps or travel through dungeons faster. Is that faster?
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    Ryoukai wrote: »
    So if I did use Void Star rather than Arcane Gate, when would I be using it? On cooldown? Wouldn't it be better to use it when you have excess (3 bars) so that you can cast Insane Reaper on cooldown?

    Also, If I can land my smashes but can't pull for the enhanced snaps (because maybe I needed to dodge right after the smash) should I snap with the non-enhanced snap, or should I try to enhance over it with another smash-pull?

    I also notice that some Evies blink-normal attack rather than double blinking in order to close gaps or travel through dungeons faster. Is that faster?

    I don't know what others do, but I usually do Void Star whenever Arcane Gate is on cooldown and I spam it like crazy because I have a cat statue.

    And you should always snap whenever you're not close enough to hit the boss, because if you don't, that is like a waste of dps. Once you get close to the boss again to do smashes, it will be another set of snap you can do. Oh, I saw your other post about which artifact to use, if you're planning to spam Void Star, you should probably get a kitty statue.

    And the blink-attack and blink-blink are about the same speed, but blink-attack uses less stamina I think. But I usually blink-blink, again, that is just my personal preference, I can't speak for all the evies out there xD

    I hope I helped though =P
  • Member Honoka
    Vindictus Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 37
    My dps rotation. 3rd and 4th smash with enhance (order depends on what the boss is doing) -> BlinkRRR on sandbag (or if you need stam) or just second smash on nonsandbag (it's crucial not to miss if you blinkRRR because it will drop your dps).
    I usually use blinkRRR or second smash after the 3rd and 4th smashes but there will be many times where I will before depending on the boss' actions

    Save SP at the start of the raid for IR and AG.
    Save for IR a few seconds before its CD is up, how much time before will depend on your speed and how fast you can generate SP (You don't need to save it throughout the course of the raid to use, just learn the timing to begin saving).
    Save SP for AG when there is 20-30 seconds remaining on its CD, again the time depends on your speed.
    Void star whenever you have extra SP in between all those times. (There are almost no situations where I cast the running VS, just use it off toolbar)

    Paw > Cat Statue
    I find that I have way too much SP with a cat statue, can void star spam well enough with paw. Paw will also let you attack and snap faster which reduces AG cooldown more. But cat is fine in neamhain.

    Arcane Gate 4th hit is crucial not to miss but don't just whiff every hit before that just to get to it faster. Each AG hit (not snap) is 4-5k or 8-10k on crit. You also cannot skip the final snap animation.

    That's pretty much all I can say for the mechanics, the rest is just practice.
  • Member Honoka
    Vindictus Rep: 1,110
    Posts: 37
    Karamyth wrote: »
    Question2 wrote: »
    Arcane gate still does massively more damage than void star + MOD + BT.

    Simply take a video, record how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag. Arcane gate still wins easily.

    I don't think so, because you can spam void star back to back twice if you have the SP to do it whenever it's up, and it is only a 5 second cooldown, with a cat statue and keep doing smashes, you can probably do 20-30 void stars before Arcane Gate's cooldown is ready. So let's say I take the less number of 20 void stars, it would be 20*5k = 100k Dmg non crit, 20*10k = 200k Dmg crit, we can take the middle which is 150k Dmg just from spamming Void Star alone, and plus MOD + BT in the meantime, you will have a lot more DPS than 1 single Arcane Gate in 1:30 to 2:00 cooldown, which is roughly around 50k non-crit to 90k crit DMG. I spam void star very often and I get usually top 3 in S3 raids with it.

    This argument doesn't make much sense because you are comparing how much damage 20-30 void star does against a single arcane gate, a single arcane gate does not take enough time for you to cast 20-30 void stars. Question2 was saying to compare the damage of arcane gate against the damage of void star + BT + MOD on sandbag IN the amount of time it takes to cast arcane gate, NOT in the CD time of arcane gate.

    With my speed it takes 11 seconds to do a full AG on sandbag boss (longer if the boss moves), you cannot beat that damage with just voidstar + MOD +BT in that amount of time.

    Arcane gate is amazing for dps, you should always use it as much as you can and void stars in between when it is on cooldown.
  • Member Gewellirious
    Vindictus Rep: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    edited March 24, 2017
    You spam Void Star when Arcane is on cooldown, simple. Again it's the skill itself being lame to use, not really a damage problem, you can get trolled so easily while using Arcane for the reasons I've shared in my last post.

    Because yeah, in terms of DPS, a fully placed Arcane Gate deals actually 9-10 hits : the opening animation deals damage, then the 4 hits to get the snaps and all the enhanced magic + the yellow number.
    However I don't remember, neither paid attention if the yellow number is Bloody Thread being overpowered or an additional damage ALONG all 4 magics. Pretty sure it's an additional damage, but I'm not 100% sure right now so I prefer to not go on claiming anything of that sort.

    And actually, Arcane cancels normals as well, so you hit the boss with a normal and can immediately use Arcane, like Void Star. Again the problem : its design annoys me off, so I use Arcane like once in a raid, or not at all.

    Never paid attention if the opening animation can also deal a critical hit, but as Honoka said (best breasts ever btw) the 4 hits to get the snaps can make crits, which is up to 8-9k indeed. That's already 36k if lucky.
  • Member Karamyth
    Vindictus Rep: 1,560
    Posts: 47
    Honoka wrote: »
    Karamyth wrote: »
    Question2 wrote: »
    Arcane gate still does massively more damage than void star + MOD + BT.

    Simply take a video, record how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag. Arcane gate still wins easily.

    I don't think so, because you can spam void star back to back twice if you have the SP to do it whenever it's up, and it is only a 5 second cooldown, with a cat statue and keep doing smashes, you can probably do 20-30 void stars before Arcane Gate's cooldown is ready. So let's say I take the less number of 20 void stars, it would be 20*5k = 100k Dmg non crit, 20*10k = 200k Dmg crit, we can take the middle which is 150k Dmg just from spamming Void Star alone, and plus MOD + BT in the meantime, you will have a lot more DPS than 1 single Arcane Gate in 1:30 to 2:00 cooldown, which is roughly around 50k non-crit to 90k crit DMG. I spam void star very often and I get usually top 3 in S3 raids with it.

    This argument doesn't make much sense because you are comparing how much damage 20-30 void star does against a single arcane gate, a single arcane gate does not take enough time for you to cast 20-30 void stars. Question2 was saying to compare the damage of arcane gate against the damage of void star + BT + MOD on sandbag IN the amount of time it takes to cast arcane gate, NOT in the CD time of arcane gate.

    With my speed it takes 11 seconds to do a full AG on sandbag boss (longer if the boss moves), you cannot beat that damage with just voidstar + MOD +BT in that amount of time.

    Arcane gate is amazing for dps, you should always use it as much as you can and void stars in between when it is on cooldown.

    Ahh, I agree with you said then, cuz when Question2 mentioned, "how long it takes you to get arcane gate off and compare it to void star + MOD + BT on a sandbag", I thought she was talking about the cooldown instead of the whole attack animation, even though her later reply seemed to talk about the cooldown and SP. But anyways. of course AG will do more damage in 11 seconds than a double VS or Triple VS plus the Snaps.

    If it was purely comparing the cooldowns and SP, it might be a different story. I usually do prioritize AG, but I spam the rest of my SP spamming VS because I use a kitty statue. Keep in mind that I only do this in Raids or normal battles where the boss is a big target and doesn't teleport around like Nifi Bosses or Neamhain =P