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That new update doe


  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    It's like when Niflheim was the only new content for the better part of 4 months, so anyone who didn't gear up during s2 didn't get anything new to do. Except this time it's only one raid, until Dullahan gets here probably in the summer. And the devs scared everyone with suggested stats before the raid even came out.

    Fix the royal army raids.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited January 12, 2017
    While Neamhain is optional, it is required to be completed in order to do the Ceara POV quest because you end up meeting her in Berbhe. Also, luck isn't needed to get a weapon past +10. It is called saving your gold from selling rare loot from raids, farming materials, and selling items from Gachapons so that you can afford a pre-enchanted, high enhanced Lv. 90 weapon.
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765

    While Neamhain is optional, it is required to be completed in order to do the Ceara POV quest because you end up meeting her in Berbhe. Also, luck isn't needed to get a weapon past +10. It is called saving your gold from selling rare loot from raids, farming materials, and selling items from Gachapons so that you can afford a pre-enchanted, high enhanced Lv. 90 weapon.
    Either way in order to get a +15 weapon someone HAS to do the enhancing in order for it to even exist/ be sellable assuming it doesn't blow up.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited January 12, 2017
    You don't need a +15. +15 has never been a requirement for ANY of the content that we have received thus far. A +12/+13 is more than capable of doing this content.

    People need to stop using the "I do not have a +15" excuse as to why they cannot do the content or why their stats aren't at where they need to be for the content. They had ample opportunity to prepare for the content months in advance. If they chose to squander all that time by being unproductive then that is on them. There have been events preparing them for the content and if they chose not to participate that is on them.

    We had the Ancient Coin Event. We have had Attendance Events that gave out helpful items. If this wasn't a sign of upcoming content, then I do not know what they were doing/thinking.
  • Member Tariro
    Vindictus Rep: 1,945
    Posts: 52
    I'd like to also point out that the Neamhain rewards are extremely good despite someone saying it's barely worth it. +5 crit and +500 attack limit release is actually a really nice boost in dps performance. The crit also helps in giving more breathing room for people who hates infusions like myself as well as the upcoming Dullahan cap. I'd rather do Neamhain with a realiable host and team than trekking through laggy royal raids for a chance of attack limit increase.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited January 12, 2017
    Plus, who doesn't want FREE 1K HP and 1K ATT/M.ATT? +5 Crit? Contacts that give dual color? 3* Accessories?
  • Member dazedgumball
    Vindictus Rep: 7,725
    Posts: 605

    Plus, who doesn't want FREE 1K HP and 1K ATT/M.ATT? +5 Crit? Contacts that give dual color? 3* Accessories?
    Mediocre players.
  • Member Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited January 12, 2017
    Wait! Is there a story requirement to finish this new raid substory? I mean I probably won't even be able to try it out, but I managed to beat Succubus Queen eventually, and I can't complete the Niflheim substory because I haven't even finished S1 story yet.

    I just mean to acquire or turn in the story. For example, my situation with Succubus Queen is that it asked me to complete Queen of the Cursed then return the Shayla, but trying to talk to Shayla nets me white noob text saying that I have to finish season 1 to even turn in the story.
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited January 12, 2017
    Well, you do need to complete this raid sub-story in order to do the Ceara POV quests because you end up meeting her in Berbhe. If that is what you mean @Order5
    If you mean that you need to do any quest prior to unlock this raid, then no. At least, not that I am aware of.

    Edit: I'm gonna probably have to say (might be wrong, but it doesn't hurt) completing the Berbhe story quest line. I want to say up to the Shattered Will quest since Abomination is strangely enough a Sub-Quest and because you are awarded the Forgotten title and given your rewards (10 seals and 500 AP) after completing.
  • Member Nevander
    Vindictus Rep: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited January 12, 2017

    You don't need a +15. +15 has never been a requirement for ANY of the content that we have received thus far. A +12/+13 is more than capable of doing this content.

    People need to stop using the "I do not have a +15" excuse as to why they cannot do the content or why their stats aren't at where they need to be for the content. They had ample opportunity to prepare for the content months in advance. If they chose to squander all that time by being unproductive then that is on them. There have been events preparing them for the content and if they chose not to participate that is on them.

    We had the Ancient Coin Event. We have had Attendance Events that gave out helpful items. If this wasn't a sign of upcoming content, then I do not know what they were doing/thinking.

    You make it sound like it 's so easy to get a +12 or 13 in 6 years playing I have only gotten 2 weapons to 12 and that was pure luck and I'm not gonna even talk about the weps I boomed my most recent boom was yesterday and I didn't even get the oj wep essence back and furthermore most people have +10's you must have a fail proof technique to get to 12 or 13 care to share Probably not lmao.
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    Fyi, my friends and I are opening up a guild to get an extra run nemhain. More details to come on east portion of forums and in east quarters of the vindi discord. We are waiting to see how we will go about this as we arent a fan of the drama that our lovely community is known for.

    There will be ofc some stat req becuz nemhain has such debilitating circumstances and restrictions, but i assure u it wont be requirin a +15, hell i only hve +12s on 3 of my 4 main char. We are gonna also try to see if we can get a party and record the first nemhain success on east (we hve pple with op computers for that).
  • Member QueenOfMana
    Vindictus Rep: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    edited January 12, 2017
    Nevander said:


    You don't need a +15. +15 has never been a requirement for ANY of the content that we have received thus far. A +12/+13 is more than capable of doing this content.

    People need to stop using the "I do not have a +15" excuse as to why they cannot do the content or why their stats aren't at where they need to be for the content. They had ample opportunity to prepare for the content months in advance. If they chose to squander all that time by being unproductive then that is on them. There have been events preparing them for the content and if they chose not to participate that is on them.

    We had the Ancient Coin Event. We have had Attendance Events that gave out helpful items. If this wasn't a sign of upcoming content, then I do not know what they were doing/thinking.

    You make it sound like it 's so easy to get a +12 or 13 in 6 years playing I have only gotten 2 weapons to 12 and that was pure luck and I'm not gonna even talk about the weps I boomed my most recent boom was yesterday and I didn't even get the oj wep essence back and furthermore most people have +10's you must have a fail proof technique to get to 12 or 13 care to share Probably not lmao.
    @Nevander Yeah, it is called saving your gold up and buying it off the Marketplace if you are unable to make the +12 or +13 yourself. I would've expected you to have already known that considering you have been around for 6 years.
  • Member Nevander
    Vindictus Rep: 400
    Posts: 4
    edited January 12, 2017
    There is no sense of satisfaction for me in buying other peoples pre made weps TYVM .
    And I don't need a +12 or a +13 I have 29k att FYI
  • Member ikevi
    Vindictus Rep: 3,670
    Posts: 748
    edited January 12, 2017
    Nevander said:

    There is no sense of satisfaction for me in buying other peoples pre made weps TYVM .
    And I don't need a +12 or a +13 I have 29k att FYI
    Just wondering how high is your def, without soap + event gear+ap shop gear or other timed items/ buffs ;-)

  • Member Bladehawk
    Vindictus Rep: 1,145
    Posts: 65
    Does anyone know what's changing with the Awakening system?
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    From what I remember it's mostly convenience things like being able to dump multiple stones into a restoration refill all at once, and the list not scrolling all the way back up when you run out of the stone you were using.
  • Member Scarrlettt
    Vindictus Rep: 2,300
    Posts: 169
    This update will most likely be the change that increases the max dura potential from 2k to 5k but im not sure. NA may just add that auto refill thing as well
  • Member TwilightSparkle
    Vindictus Rep: 2,440
    Posts: 224
    Zeze said:

    i don't care about neamhain lol
    i'm looking forward for the new outfits and hairstyles
    also bug fixes +yay
    who are uu
  • Member Ikarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    Bladehawk said:

    Does anyone know what's changing with the Awakening system?
    Players will no longer be dependent on the material synthesis NPC to restore durability on wakened skills. You can use waking stones to restore your durability at any time you are in town or on a boat.
  • Member PowMan
    Vindictus Rep: 405
    Posts: 19
    This blew up quickly lol.

    The only way to carry in Nemain is