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Do you use steam or the nexon launcher?

Vindictus Vertreter: 2,575
Posts: 215
edited Januar 8, 2017 in General Discussion
Had a talk with my friend about this and was curious. It won't be a good analytics data, but its still nice to know.
  1. Do you launch vindictus via steam or nexon launcher56 votes
    1. Steam
       34% (19 votes)
    2. nexon launcher/stand alone
       66% (37 votes)


  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    Nexon Launcher
  • EveGamerEveGamer
    Vindictus Vertreter: 510
    Posts: 7
    Personally i like to use the Nexon Launcher.

    Main reason is because you can't sign in and out of steam. Once the account is linked its locked for good. Steam nor Nexon can/will un link it.
  • Dusean17Dusean17
    Vindictus Vertreter: 610
    Posts: 11
    edited Januar 9, 2017
    Nexon Launcher main reason is because they fked up the game and how it works so you can't use multiple accounts on Steam. So I use the poorly optimized launcher, no salt thrown at Nexon themselves but the Nexon launcher is not a great addition and honestly isn't necessary. Sure it looks pretty but I've heard and experienced tons of problems about them.
  • RakushuRakushu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,125
    Posts: 159
    Nexon Launcher since steam can't login to multiple accounts
  • DownIoadDownIoad
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    I use Nexon launcher simply because I didn't know it was on steam back in the day and never switched over since.
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    I use steam just to have all my game updates and stuff tracked in one place. It's nice being able to just copy the game files into the steam directory if I need to update or reinstall the game on my other computer, last I checked the Launcher doesn't recognize it when you try that.

    Also had a bunch of issues with the launcher like the play button getting greyed out and infinite patch times/checks that only seem to be fixed by restarting the launcher entirely or sometimes by reinstalling the game. Not worth the hassle for me when I only really use one account these days.
  • BowtacojrBowtacojr
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    edited Januar 9, 2017
    I think steam is the better one since it tracks your playtime and whatnot, plus it's nice to only have to deal with one launcher, for the most part.

    Though one might argue that the best launcher is no launcher at all...
  • Kalicia_EmberKalicia_Ember
    Vindictus Vertreter: 410
    Posts: 6
    Steam, but just because I like to have all my games in one place
  • BoatGodBoatGod
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    even with a 27 sample size in a pseudo closed enviroment, still suprise by how much people uses the nexon launcher than the steam version
  • DownIoadDownIoad
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 312
    edited Januar 11, 2017
    BoatGod said:

    even with a 27 sample size in a pseudo closed enviroment, still suprise by how much people uses the nexon launcher than the steam version

    Why? Steam eats memory and Nexon launcher allows multiple accounts.

    Its pretty much a win win.
  • BoatGodBoatGod
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,575
    Posts: 215
    i guess mainly the convenience of having all my games in one place, and ease of use to friends chat.
  • ArthyenArthyen
    Vindictus Vertreter: 635
    Posts: 24
    I use the nexon launcher, but I really miss the standalone client (I did at some point use it last year, but felt buggy because the update derps on me at times so why bother the trouble).
  • DownIoadDownIoad
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 312

    Perfectly valid reason and that's probably the same reason why steam itself is very good. What I feel is that a large population of people just dont have the computer power to run Vindictus smoothly an
  • Yuria100Yuria100
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,480
    Posts: 226
    I installed it on steam for auto update but, I don't run it on steam I directly luanch it using that one trick to do so. So, I don't use either. Where my other/neither option Q.Q.