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Vindictus PvPedia - PvP Guide
Proof of EXPERIENCE (on date 22-10-2016):
27,226 WINS - LINKPvP Guide in progress

You can find the previous one in here:
LINK (it applies to XE version and needs some updates, but the PvP basics still apply for both versions of game)

The actual guides are coming soon
Short announcement: I will upload next video within few days. It will be a part of PvP Guide - explanation of stats (how to think of stats in PvP, how they work, how to calculate them), and economical PvP gear build (basically, how to make decent/effective equipment that is cheap and will allow you to enjoy PvP... since unfortunately there is equipment depending, so this build will help to those players who are short of money ^^).
Also last patch update info (since they didn't mention it in official patch notes):
They have added orange 90 lvl mats packages to PvP Seal Shop (the same which we've had before in PvE Seal Shop for 256 seals of bravery). They cost 180 triumph medals, and you can exchange max. one of each per day.
The items you get aren't trade-able
However there are 3 things which you can do with them (2 of which will allow you to exchange it on gold):
1. You can use them to craft items for yourself, or replace parts of your current equipment
2. You can gather more parts, and simply craft an item, which after this process will become trade-able, so you can sell it
3. You can dismantle those items into 'Legendary Power: Fragment' or 'Sealed Power: Fragment' (x100 per orange piece) and sell those fragments on marketplace
Have a nice day ^^