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Siege match closes other windows

Vindictus Rep: 200
Post: 1
edited November 20, 2016 in Bug Reporting
When i'm in queue for a siege match, whenever someone joins or leaves the queue every other window i have opened closes.
The big problem with that is that if i'm inside a building in town when someone joins or leaves the "exit" in top left of the screen also dispears... and esc doesn't work either, leaving me no choice but to return to character select screen and log in again
This is quite frustrating and made me lose my spot for a few matches now already so i hope u can find a fix


  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    As a temporary solution, you can enter the avatar/dye shop when this happens and then back out to reload the npcs in the building. Just make sure you're quick, as being in the avatar shop when the queue pops might leave you stuck in town poses when you load into the match.