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really? being nice is too much?

Vindictus Vertreter: 1,010
Posts: 79
edited März 18, 2018 in Suggestions and Feedback
Extra cores. Cool. Added Erg Crystals to loot tables for raid bosses. Un-cool.

Its bad enough that we get so little compared to other regions. You toss us a bone, and it turns out to be worthless. I thought with new management, I could expect to see changes for the better. Looks like I was wrong.


  • NecrochildNecrochild
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,325
    Posts: 293
    I mean, you do have the new seal shop that makes gearing up easy as hell, especially combined with the upcoming freebie enchant scrolls. I really think they are being too nice, as is.

    I could be wrong here, but aren't the erg crystals just the "better luck next time" version of the event drop (Halloween Spirit)? I know that's how they handled it in the past, and in the past that was an additional core that didn't count towards the regular drops.
  • EbonwingsEbonwings
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,790
    Posts: 147
    And those erg crystals are from the Halloween Event. They won't be around for long.
  • TheGreatCreidneTheGreatCreidne
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,655
    Posts: 155

    This is what we call withdrawal. We must purge the addiction that is seizing the community. Help these people find a cleaner path to peace and comfort!
    If you're reading this now and are one of the many afflicted by this sickness, I want you to know. You are loved! You are somebody! Do not give up hope! Our thoughts are with you! Please find the courage to reach out and ask for help!

  • GhengisJohnGhengisJohn
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,540
    Posts: 257
    I thought this was going to be about something you experienced on a boat. I mean in a way it was, just not at the hands of other players.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited November 18, 2016
    IMO NexNA are being TOO nice with the gear progression atm. Everything is readily available in shop, and the economy is stopped to a halt. Nobody buying anything anymore. Don't get me wrong - seal shop and enchant shop are both really nice, but both so close together like this and one being a permanent feature are too much.

    Is there any reason to run s3 raid except for the title? Nope, you can get everything S3 has to offer (except Eochaid Ess) by running S1 for seals and S2 for scroll. Oh wait, scroll are going to be in the shop for a whole month. Scratch that S2, now everyone will flock to S1. Soloing Rocheste raid all day long is effective, but I don't think it's fun.

    And then, you will see ppl losing their motivation because "nothing to do, being geared to the teeth" and end up quitting - especially with the rate of 3 months for a content update we are enduring.
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Eh, I think more people getting geared will see more people wanting to do S3. I'd love doing it on all my toons but literally only my Sylas and Kai are geared enough to really be contributing in there. Making it somewhat easier to gear means I'll play more of my alts. The people who get bored quickly mostly seem to be those who run a main and pay almost no attention to alts. I love taking my time spreading my efforts out and enjoying more than one at a time.
  • RNGGoddessRNGGoddess
    Vindictus Vertreter: 895
    Posts: 13
    They should have made S3 raid give 3 seals, S2 give 2, S1 give 1 seals, and increase the lv 90 gear seal cost.
  • RizzleRizzle
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,860
    Posts: 199
    I kinda agree with the OP. I mean, yeah - they added orange mats to the seal shop...or did they? No-they were always there, they just removed the ridiculous RNG factor(Ex: You need a Braha Essence? Here's a Lugh that we know you can't use because we can see that that your cloth armor mastery level isnt high enough. GG). Still, its a good move.

    And the scroll event - should be perm. There's no reason for the scroll prices we see on a regular basis, other than players trying to gouge other players so they can feel good about their epeni(EX: "What? no +15? Get off my boat filthy peasant!!")Which makes no sense, because you get these people on boats bragging about how much gold they have, or bought, or are buying, or are going to buy, and see their maxxed-out gear, only to see them contribute to the landscape. The sad truth is that Gear Progression does not equal player skill.

    But these are getting off-topic. The OP's post is about the extra core event, which in my mind should equate to a better chance to get rare mats or scrolls. But it doesn't. Because they wrecked the loot tables RNG by adding erg crystals as a loot drop for raid bosses.

    PS: Raids are dropping erg crystals AND Halloween Spirits. That's extra sad-apparently some players have become so disenfranchised from the abuse that they don't even bother to look at their drops anymore. I think my soul just got cancer.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    BOTH erg crystals and halloween spirit are from the same EXTRA core that is designed specifically for the halloween event. The spirit is not guaranteed to drop, and when it doesn't drop, the EXTRA core give you an erg crystal.

    And apparently we must play different games, because I never seen anyone doing/saying anything you mentioned in your 2nd paragraph. And what's player's skill have to do here?
  • quietguyquietguy
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,010
    Posts: 79
    edited November 20, 2016

    BOTH erg crystals and halloween spirit are from the same EXTRA core that is designed specifically for the halloween event. The spirit is not guaranteed to drop, and when it doesn't drop, the EXTRA core give you an erg crystal.

    And apparently we must play different games, because I never seen anyone doing/saying anything you mentioned in your 2nd paragraph. And what's player's skill have to do here?
    I guess you're referring to "Rizzle"? His points are valid, even if they are off-topic, which he already pointed out. So, the extra assistance of you being rude/ignorant(denying another players claims of what happens/acting like it never happens because you never see it) isn't necessary. If you cant understand the 2nd paragraph of his post, or its relevance, then that's sad. Its really obvious. But instead of returning to topic, you want to dwell on them. Derp.

    Now, if you have anything to say that IS in reference to the topic, you may speak. But if you're just here to be an ass, shush.

    PS: I think its more than the "EXTRA" core, because i have certainly gotten more than one in a single raid, or a Halloween spirit AND an erg crystal.