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Free 90 +10 gear mysteriously binds

Vindictus Vertreter: 625
Posts: 12
in Bug Reporting
Specifically from the level 90 growth reward, last night I got a +10 regina spellsword, and +10 lugh set. These were not currently bound, and where the unbind count was it said it could not be unbound in the future. I am happy to just have it tbh, but seeing it unbound made me super excited to do some fashion. I had a weapon fusion rune, some armor fusion runes, the Reilly toy sword/focus, and the gremlin hat from nel. I was sort of hoping that we would get an unbound set, but not very sure if we would. Instead of fusing it right then, I went to bed though because the Friday 2x exp/ap event time ended and I was sleepy...

Ok so I wake up, I login and see I have a box in my mail that says it has my choice of 10 bravery seals or an additional level 90 gear set in it. The box said the contents were untradable/bound. I was interested in what kind of armor was in there though anyway because I did know that I should probably at least mix 3 Regina with 3 Lugh, since I recieved a Regina sword and not Lugh sword from the growth reward so i only had 5/6 bonus. I mean, the bonus is not a big deal but I was interested... So I opened the box. It gave me a full +10 regina set and another +10 Regina sword (which were bound). So I was like great, I will just mix and match these and change the enchants later maybe. But! But then it hit me. It was then that I noticed that the lugh/regina I recieved from the growth reward was now bound to my character! Which means I couldnt use the fusion runes I had, I now needed premium fusion.... which is not even for sale in the supply depot? grumpycat.jpg

So it just magically bound itself from the time I went to bed, to the time I opened that box? I'm all kinds of confused right now. I don't expect you to fix my gear for me or anything. I'm actually throwing my runes out because im so done with the fusion system now. Throw this on top of not being able to mail a bunch of armor that my level 10 alt was holding to fuse with later. I will just toss all that on the marketplace for 1g and hope it makes someone's day. I will just use the outfitters sets I bought instead of dealing with this. I honestly think you guys need to revamp this archaic system and at least make it so we are fusing the appearance onto the slot in a specific equipment tab rather than onto the actual armor. Then you can sell me more equipment tabs + fusion runes, because then I will be able to make and dye 10+ designs that I can wear on the same underlying armor set that I can then boom as I please while trying to upgrade. This is really similar to how things work in Star Wars: The Old Republic. There are alot of things that game got wrong, but that fashion system update is something they got right. Over time I had bought a ridiculous amount of cash cosmetic items in that game. Its super obvious you guys are trying to modernize this game for 2018 mobile/console porting so you need to look at that update and pull in some inspiration if you want to win over more fashion addicts


  • KarijunaKarijuna
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,675
    Posts: 196
    Not a bug, the equipment was never even supposed to be tradeable, so it was actually a bug that it appeared to you as being unbound.
    The rest belongs into the Suggestions section.