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Is something wrong with the Unknown Location Raids

Vindictus Vertreter: 100
Post: 1
in General Discussion
I am a returning player from loooong ago, and raids were not yet around back then. I created a new character as I have forgotten nearly everything about this game, and got to the point where the "Unknown Area" was introduced. So I have tried to do this raid every day for the last 3 days. Once, It popped saying it was ready, and I got in and we left. Great. The rest of the time I have just sat in an infinite "Accepting Members" status. Usually it seems I join with 5 or so, and it hovers between 5 and 8. I have just assumed low population.

Just now however, I was in a dungeon and it came up saying I had 20 seconds to get to the boat area in order to depart. I forfeit the dungeon, and when I get out, it is now saying "Accepting Members: 4". I guess I didn't make the 20 second timer or something, I'm not sure. Honestly, I have no idea how it works, but I thought it was fine to run dungeons while waiting for this thing to pop, since it lets you. The first time it ever popped I was in a town so I still wasn't sure. Now it seems, it pops and you are in a dungeon you are screwed.

So I sat around another 90 minutes or so, and it says it is at 5 members. I ask people around to join, and someone messages me saying they had signed up, but was showing them that they were the only one signed up. 1 Member.

So I have them cancel and re apply, same thing. I cancel mine and re apply, it still shows the same 5 or 6 whatever it was. So I quit the game, restart and message the guy. His is now at 3, I go to sign up and mine creates a brand new "group", spends 30 seconds setting this up then states that I am the only member signed up. I know that other group of 3 is still around because the guy I'm whispering tells me, and I know the group of 5 that I was just in has to still be there, as it hovered that same number for over an hour and didn't change but maybe to 6 and back to 5.

So my question is, how do I actually do these raids? Because I spent NX to get VIP so I could do these more than once a day and have regretted it since then, because it never pops and I play for 7+ hours a day since I started over a week ago.


  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    Those raids aren't that active. The used to be pretty empty because unless you were leveling or getting titles they weren't really a challenge anymore. Now they're empty because 1/3 of the people AFK, meaning it takes forever and those AFKs may be the very ones who get the rewards after the protracted battle.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    edited November 9, 2016
    Those raids are revamped, and now there is only one active raid per day. Their stats is upgraded with somewhat better reward, but for now, as the result of a bunch of ridiculous decision, nobody want to run them.

    They should have unlimited attack cap right off the bat, but Nexon cut it off and didn't give it to us until the seal shop update last month. This make the battle last too long even with OP ppl.
    Best placeholder reward is lvl 90 Orange Weapon Essence, which is worth next to nothing because of that very seal shop update. The real reward should be a lot more appealing, but we haven't got it and the update that allow us to use it yet.
  • NoburoNoburo
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    edited November 9, 2016
    You'll find them most active on the days when it's An Ancient Race, Guardian of the West, or The Peerless one on the rotation, purely because they're the fastest runs in most cases. If you're spending nx for the sake of doing royal army raids more, invest in server megaphones and be prepared to use around 4 of them to get the run started if you're one of the first players loaded into the instance. Most people are hesitant to join until the queue has dinged unless they see megaphones and a high number of people waiting.

    The depart now countdown is definitely too fast, even when standing near the marketplace in Colhen I've missed runs because I didn't react to the queue immediately. The lockout after that happens is even more bizzare, I'm pretty sure that there's some sort of cooldown on being re-added to a queue you've dropped out of, even if there are spots open. It even occurs when you hit cancel during the depart now countdown, rather than getting booted for being idle.