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Derpcat confirmed next update will be 2nd weapon
They released a dev blog to celebrating His Majesty Emperor Trump the 1st. Rough translation below:
StuffDerpcat noticed the difficulty in character development, when ppl attacking the duck and the fish on the boat because they couldn’t find any monster to kill.
“Create party” button changed to “Ready for battle”.
Eliminated confusing low level item (low rank scrolls, broken items etc).
Equipment mastery, character growth goals and level 90 gear combination reorganized.
More tip for battles in Ruin of Sanctity.
“Easy mode” changed to “1 Player mode”.
Allow you to skip dialogues.
TransformationOld way: one trans per hour to gain exp required for level up.
New way: change the way you earn exp, the skills you can learn in transform, and a new tab in the UI for those skills.
S3C2: In Paradise Ep3Ready for a preview, battles, raids and other change will be announced in a later update.
New 2nd Weapon1st update of the winter is a 2nd weapon. Will be released as soon as possible, and more info will be released in last week of Nov or 1st week of Dec.

and 10 others.
The Derpcat choice: anything they feel like because logic doesn't apply to Derpcat.
I put my money on Hurk, though.
That lance gets me all sticky, js. Not for hurk though. Nope
I'll be happy if they do 2nd weapons to all chars even I don't play others chars xD
For Hurk, I think a halberd or some kind of poleaxe would be best...
isn't that just nemain?
Awesome! Finally 2nd weapons being brought to life.
this would be an awesome hurk
axe Cannon O:
just image him spinning like a hurricane