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design our own sord rework \ouo/
what would you like to see in a swords rework?
here are my ideas
quality of life improvements:
1. make the 2nd dodge in our double dodge travel farther...like 2-3x as far
2. stop the camera zooming on every smash
crit and furies:
i don't like how part of lann's moveset is rng-reliant. i'm not that bothered that it makes the damage inconsistent, but the fact that gf and lf are also used for their mobility makes it important that they are reliable
even worse is the fact that the rng is stat-based, and punished by nexon's design policy of crit res creep and raises lann's artificial difficulty in gearing for very arbitrary reasons.
i would like to see a new fury-centric resource. for ease, let's call it fury here. comparable to arisha's mana, for example, it would build during non-gf/lf attacks and be spent to allow the player to use gf/lf after smashes.
fury as a resource:
1. let's say the entire bar's capacity is 300 f
2. normal attacks, incl thousand needles build 10 f
-smashes build 50 f (100 on crit? so existing lann builds dont feel like all that crit is wasted)
3. gf/lf each cost 100 f to use, and the player gets the prompt if there is enough after a smash like we do now after a crit
-(maybe make them usable if there isn't enough fury, for additional stamina, or doing less damage)
4. have it also generate over time which can be interrupted if lann takes a hit (kind of like sylas's hilt buff)
5. a fully charged gust sting could fill the bar to full, or maybe allow it to go over the 300 limit temporarily
6. raging fever could have some special interaction, like building extra f essentially like arisha's sp->mana conversion, or consume f to do extra damage
7. slashing high: a few ideas for this one:
-fury bar is kept full for its duration, but completely drains and fury generation is blocked for a while when it runs out (cataclysm: lann edition)
-gain 300 f upon activation, but this is used up as normal
-increase rate of passive generation and makes it continue even when getting hit
8. furious 7 could consume all fury and do damage based on that amount; any attacks iframed during it restore 100 f
berserker spirit:
nice that this is more useful now in royal army and niflheim, but it still doesn't feel impactful
a quick bandaid improvement i can think of: raise matt as well as att; raise att limit release by some amount too, not necessarily the full value
the hand glow is ok, but i could really go for a party wide eye glow or a halo of flames like they do in anime
feel free to use any of my ideas nexon +cold

I feel that alone might be enough to make him viable again in most DPS contest. His dmg has been ok, is always the problem of getting dmg in. If anything else, perhaps windrider effect should last 2 hits instead of 1 hit, so 2x windrider gives 4 crits at capped crit. I think this might make him feel OP but who knows.
+1 for that Fury resource idea though.