[[[[[[[ I did't hack Vindictus, and get a ban. not reasonable.]]]]]]
My Main Character is 5inoepisode, zinoepisode
I play vindictus for 6 year and 4 month, Paid NX 1,000,000+.
play and paid because of Love this games.
I'm a Youtuber, This is my channel ( I'm Thai stay at Nevada, for bussiness )
" I'm alway said Nexon is best and fast service, if u need to play for funny come to play with me. Vindictus NA"
many player come to play with me, in my guild UNFRIEND. we have 50-150 member. to
alway play a vindictus together.
but now my account get a Two time ban for open third program while open Vindictus.
yes this is my fault to did't check good enough.
I used cheat engine to play 7daytodie and Terraria, this is offline games just for fun.
and kill a time for waiting fishing, dungeon Reset.
but this is not reasonable
- I got a banned because of other games.
- I did't hack vindictus.
- The cheat engine can hack vindictus?
Please Consider my account and about get a banned, this is not reasonable.
And I already try to 1 : 1 Chat to talk with this problem, they cut me down
*May be Nexon need to fire me, and denied to talk with me.
if nexon do not mercy me, lemme know I will make video to explain everything why I quit a Vindictus on Youtube.
I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus | I did't hack Vindictus |
Doesn't really matter if you closed the program either because you would have still gotten banned.
Black Cipher reads off your program history, so you have to restart your PC before opening Vindi.
I know of several people who were banned because of this.
Autoban just can detect open or not. but can't detect use or not. SO STUPID PROGRAM.