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Does this happen to anyone else?

Vindictus Rep: 4,960
Posts: 792
in Off Topic Discussion
When I search Vindictus Forums using Google Search on Mozilla Firefox, a direct link to the new forums will appear, but then disappears from search few days later. Sometimes, I have to type out forums.vindictus.nexon.net in the search bar just to get the direct link. Strangest thing though is that Google Searching Vindictus Forums on different browsers doesn't result the same issue that Mozilla Firefox has.

Wonder if it is a browser thing.


  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    I have mines saved on a tab when I load up so I don't have to worry about struggling to look for the new forums. If you close a tab out while you have this page active, it should register as a saved tab.

    I use firefox as well and my god is it a blessing to have saved tabs.