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Taken Names But Not Actually Taken?
So I have altitis (as im sure many of you do) so I created a character with "Bob" (Using as example, assume it's a unique/untaken name)
I delete that character over two days and immediately create another with the name "Bob" again but for some reason the game tells me the name is already taken.
I'm sure that someone else didn't instantly take that name as I always make a new character with the same name right after I delete the previous character.
I've also checked in game to make sure if they existed and always came out with "Player does not exist"
Nexon please fix!
It takes a while for the name to be freed up, in the past it took 30 days. I think right now it takes 7 days.
The only time a name is freed up right away is if you change a character's name using a name change coupon.
Thanks for the quick response. I'm gonna wait a month then and see what's up.
Since I actually had another name I couldn't use because it was "taken" and it was deleted well over 7 days ago (I also double checked and whisper'd the name to see if it existed; it did not)