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assigned new party leader

Vindictus Vertreter: 210
Post: 1
in Bug Reporting
I hate the fact that if the room leader leaves the party first it sometimes gets bugged and you are stuck forever in the transferring data to new host screen like come on nexon lmao.


  • CallistheneCallisthene
    Vindictus Vertreter: 815
    Posts: 61
    So true.

    From what Nexon answered to me when it happenend to me: it is a latency issue.

    I don't know if EU server physically moved from its base point (I assume so though) but clearly, is there even something I can do to reduce that supposed latency when I'm living in EU and hav eto play a game whose Server is like on the other side of the world?


    Losing a hour in a S2 map to get ripped off your XP, GOLD and APs (but not the repair cost) is always sooooooooo nice! At least, loots can also get grabbed before the very end!