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Black Desert Online Vs. Vindictus

Vindictus Rep: 840
Posts: 59
in Off Topic Discussion
I've been watching many streams of Black Desert Online recently, and it has gotten me interested. I've seen many people compare BDO to Vindi, but I had forgotten the conversation.

Questions for people who have played both:

*What are the similarities and differences?
*What did you like and did not like about Black Desert? (Did you stay here or did you leave?)
*How is the Cash Shop in BDO vs Vindi?


  • lordofrangerlordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    similarities and differences:
    combat is similar, BDO is faster, but isn't as impactful? Vindictus feels like your attacks are really cutting or bashing your enemies in. BDO is more like spamming skills to destroy a ton of enemies with a ton of sound effects to make the experience better. Combat animation wise: it was close but BDO > vindictus

    as a korean game, the end game is gear. I want to say both are difficult to achieve, and almost similar in how punishing it is to get that min max value. Vindictus is worse, though.

    open world vs dungeons instances, BDO is open world with I believe one dungeon in the Desert meant for end game players.

    there are many more things to compare but i think those listed above are a couple big ones.

    what i liked/disliked about BDO: i dont like how long it takes to get to level 60, that's all. im a casual grinder(kill me).

    BDO NA Cash shop is mostly cosmetic, some will argue that it's pay to win, but it is far from it IMO.
  • MastaMasta
    Vindictus Rep: 840
    Posts: 59
    open world vs dungeons instances, BDO is open world with I believe one dungeon in the Desert meant for end game players.

    there are many more things to compare but i think those listed above are a couple big ones.

    what i liked/disliked about BDO: i dont like how long it takes to get to level 60, that's all. im a casual grinder(kill me).

    BDO NA Cash shop is mostly cosmetic, some will argue that it's pay to win, but it is far from it IMO.

    Thanks for responding!

    I've decided to give the game a try after today because I can finally sit down and play a video game. (Spring break)

    From what you pointed out:
    *There's only one dungeon to grind end game wise out of BDOs large open world?
    *From the combat I haven't played yet but I don't really see much dodging mob's attacks or to dodge its mostly just attack side ways?
    *How much grinding are we talking about to get to level 60 after softcap?

  • Rena_RyuguRena_Ryugu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 35
    edited April 13, 2017
    Ye, my second favourite game, BDO is quite similar, just everithing is open world and you have to travel here and there whit you horse to do stuff, for example, raids = wold bosses, they spawn on dailie basis whitin a certain time frame that change over time, dungeon = on bdo you "make" your own dungeon chosing a zone you like more and protecting it from possible attackers whit your guild/friends or alone if you are strong enough.
    Most of the classes look like a counterpart of those we have in vindi, Evie= Witch Fiona=Valkirye Karok=Giath etc etc
    What did i liked the most: pvp (guild wars/red batterfield etc) , what i disliked: a bit disappointing i can't go everywere naked like i can do in vindi
    BDO cashshop has less "RNG", more things like pets/weight increase etc that help you

  • lordofrangerlordofranger
    Vindictus Rep: 1,130
    Posts: 32
    edited April 13, 2017
    Masta wrote: »
    open world vs dungeons instances, BDO is open world with I believe one dungeon in the Desert meant for end game players.

    there are many more things to compare but i think those listed above are a couple big ones.

    what i liked/disliked about BDO: i dont like how long it takes to get to level 60, that's all. im a casual grinder(kill me).

    BDO NA Cash shop is mostly cosmetic, some will argue that it's pay to win, but it is far from it IMO.

    Thanks for responding!

    I've decided to give the game a try after today because I can finally sit down and play a video game. (Spring break)

    From what you pointed out:
    *There's only one dungeon to grind end game wise out of BDOs large open world?
    *From the combat I haven't played yet but I don't really see much dodging mob's attacks or to dodge its mostly just attack side ways?
    *How much grinding are we talking about to get to level 60 after softcap?
    its one or 2 dungeons, i dont remember but it is for the highly geared, as in, any less gear then shouldn't be there. maybe only for the top 1% of players?
    There are many regions in BDO that have worthwhile grind spots for money and exp, they are not dungeons though, and are open to everyone. the most known and favorable spots are highly contested so people prepare for PVP.

    mobs before level 56 are stuipd. in general mobs are brain dead, but once you go past level 56 into the new regions such as Valencia, mobs will hit very hard and are tougher to deal with without proper gearing. Classes are unbalanced right now, so some videos you may have seen classes face rolling mobs due to gear or just because the class is overpowered. OP classes currently are Wizard/Witch and Dark Knight

    1-55 can take less than a day. But for a fresh new player it could take a few days to get used to the game itself and learn. 55-56 takes a few of hours grinding, depending on where you grind and how fast you grind. EXP needed to level up after 56 is exponential so look at this http://smitedatamining.com/black-desert-online-exp-table-charts/

  • Rena_RyuguRena_Ryugu
    Vindictus Rep: 1,365
    Posts: 35
    Masta wrote: »
    open world vs dungeons instances, BDO is open world with I believe one dungeon in the Desert meant for end game players.

    there are many more things to compare but i think those listed above are a couple big ones.

    what i liked/disliked about BDO: i dont like how long it takes to get to level 60, that's all. im a casual grinder(kill me).

    BDO NA Cash shop is mostly cosmetic, some will argue that it's pay to win, but it is far from it IMO.

    Thanks for responding!

    I've decided to give the game a try after today because I can finally sit down and play a video game. (Spring break)

    From what you pointed out:
    *There's only one dungeon to grind end game wise out of BDOs large open world?
    *From the combat I haven't played yet but I don't really see much dodging mob's attacks or to dodge its mostly just attack side ways?
    *How much grinding are we talking about to get to level 60 after softcap?

    *Only 2 dungeons located in desert area and they require a full group of 5 ppls geared over the insane
    *There are many factors here, class, gear, kind of mobs, etc
    *56-60 took me around 4 months, grinding some hours at evening almost every day, is faster if you use villa buff, dailie exp reward, tea, elixir, etc you get more exp at night and during weekend
    This guy make 0,500% in 15 min, whit exp buffes, for example,
  • SilentineSilentine
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 55
    Ok, gonna add some things also.
    BDO atleast for what i have seen armor sets have no variety, I leveled up i think to level 40 and all the armors I got look the same, with just some slight changes in texture. Same as weapon.
    Quests don't give exp. I found no satisfaction from doing quests for NPCs.
    Bosses are lame and borring. Not even 1 boss sticked to my memmory.
    Magnificent grinding fest to level 60.
    The cash shop seems pretty poor, when I played it, IDK how it is now.
    Borrowing Items from NPCs , this is the stupidest idea i have heard. Your inventory is extremely limited, i found myself gringing on how often i had to throw items to free space, and borrowing items from NPCs was just a nightmare because i can't throw the item when i want to free space, i have to return it to the NPC but i forget which one, and when i do remember which one, it takes like 20 mins to get there.

    I will stick to Vindi , thank you. But despite what people say, you will never know if you would like the game until you try.

    P.S. fishing in BDO , i never had more relaxing time in a game, just waiting to catch fish while enjoying the BEAUTIFUL scenery and landscapes. I loved going away from other players, somewhere far near the coast and just enjoy the ambient noise , look at the landscapes and fish.

  • BowtacojrBowtacojr
    Vindictus Rep: 2,545
    Posts: 335
    edited April 18, 2017
    Customization, in terms of vanity, is much more restricted in BDO. Most outfits are top+bottom, shoes, gloves, and hats, so you can't really mix and match too much. That being said, you get much more player appearance freedom and color freedom with the value pack, however you have to keep buying them, meaning that you're either spending money every month or depending on someone else to do it for you. You can also remove specific parts, such as capes, so that's a nice touch.

    The market in BDO is sort f a joke, prices are set for you, and if you bid, it's RNG whether you get the thing you're bdding on or not, it's very inconsistent.

    Combat is objectively worse than Vindictus, there really is no comparing the two, Vindictus is far more fluid.

    Enhancement is more forgiving than Vindictus, however unless you're into PVP it doesn't really matter too much.

    Grinding at high levels becomes a turf war, which isn't that bad, just depends if you're willing to give up your spot (or kill for it) if another team rolls in looking to replace you.

    It's a good life/fishing simulator, but I'd never spend money on it past the price of the game itself.

    I have no real experience with the cash shop, however they sort of try and sucker you with low inventory slots in the beginning, which isn't actually to big of an issue. If you remember Kyrandis(?) he's got tons of videos to get you started and explain how the game works.

    Overall I like Vindictus more, however BDO is fun too, just not something I'd play religiously like I did Vindy, they don't actively ban you for modding the game, so you can actually further customize your outfits by injecting certain scripts via a nude mod, the only caveat is that you're the only one who can see the changes.
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