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Post your alban 20/20 feats here.
Done wall master's 20 stages. Though, I find this easier than spear master.
Really fun to do if there's nothing else better to do and if you're looking for seals. you can trade the golden trophy to the malina Inn to get a 10 seals + 500 ap box.
Total: 20 seals of bravery, 20 triumph medals. 2x 500 AP capsules (1,000 AP).
Yes, Wall Master and Spear Master.
Took my tunic off because thinking of smaller hitbox.
Got the spear title, gonna do wall later
i got exactly same problem, can someone who cleared wall challenge post any tips or record your run pls?
A helpful tip on my end is that you can run on the edge of the map (back) and use the extra speed to get extra time needed to pass through the walls.
Though, sometimes you get bad positioning on the walls and restarting the stage will sometimes help. Persistence will pay off in the long run.
at stage 15+ you have to predict which wall comes next and if you predict wrong, you have to start over form the beginning of that stage.
I might do a video recording to show what I'm talking about, but it's late at night, so I'll do a recording when I wake up. @MochiSweet
Though, there are some walls that you have to execute the N technique as they move progressively faster as you go through each stage.
im no master but i got to stage 18 after many many tries; the trick imo (up to this stage at least) is to hug the front wall while moving and then keep an eye on the second wall that comes. As soon as you clear the first wall in front of you, immediately head in the general direction of the arrows on the second wall (hold A or D while aiming your camera with your mouse). At this point you will be close enough to make it through the second wall. Rinse and repeat. Up to stage 13 or 14, you can get away with just walking/jogging with the occasional dash and you should be fine, however, further stages require running the whole time, so as you may imagine, aiming and adjusting your character gets significantly more difficult. Or im just a filthy casual. Someone probably has a better way, but this has worked for me so far. Past stage 18 I have no idea
I'll do a guide on this when I can. Though it would seem that it would be more difficult as a karok or hurk considering they are under the "heavy model" build for the characters.
I like challenges, but it has to be a rewarding challenge. You expect me to do all that for some useless festival seals? Lol no thank you. I'd rather play browser games. Even Charles the miner gives you something for your
wasted timeeffort.I know this thread is about e-peen but I just wanted to share how disappointed I am that there's virtually no reward for completing it (aside from titles for title hoarders). I thought you would get some cores... Something.... But Festival seals? Really... I'll stick to Charles the miner, at least he gives iron ores and gold.
Also apparently if you rejoin it starts from the stage you stopped at (not sure if that resets every day).
it reset every Monday, so you have one week to clear it but at first week we only have less than 5 days.
as someone who wasnt around when sports day was a thing, I can finally scratch that lemon emblem off my list lmao but i agree rewards could have been better
It's rebadged Snowman Delight and are tradeable. 20 minutes of stamina regen.
Anyone know how it compares to other stamina regen food? It it shareable with others upon use?
To know if you properly alined to the opening, in the back there are lights and they area a good way to tell you if you're at the right positioning.
Last tip, if you hear the sound or see the light flash, you can touch the wall associated with the sound since you past it. This is very helpful for the later patterns where you have to run from one end to the other.
That all i got, clear it and never do it again
The spear-throwing game is insanely difficult. Took me 3 hours, but some of that was spent taking a break for dinner. I wasn't about to quit because once I got to level 18 I wasn't confident in my ability to ever get that far again. I managed to get through it with a lot of trial and error, picking little landmarks in the scenery to aim at in order to hit each target. For example, for stages 18-20, I used just above the top of the center brick in the arch in the door in the back as a guide, having figured out I could aim there and hit most of the targets at that height by just adjusting left or right accordingly. I recommend trying that if you're like me and your on-the-fly aiming just isn't very good. The real challenge was doing it quick enough to hit the targets before they went back down.
Does anyone know how I can get that William Tell hat, by the way? The information on the website isn't very useful, as usual.