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Re-enable Delete Mail with attachments

Vindictus Vertreter: 545
Posts: 9
in Suggestions and Feedback
A few updates back, A change was made where we are no longer able to delete to delete mail with items attached. Now, we are forced to receive them and delete them manually. WHY? I can see that maybe some people were careless and deleted things they which they had not, but it just inconveniences the rest of us.

I have been farming Nightmare at the Ruins for crafting materials, and I have a pile of mail consisting of Kirstie's Shoes stories and zero-value lowbie trash gears. I used to be able to just collect the items I want, then mass-delete the trash. Now I need to receive them and trash them, which is especially tedious with the unique items like the story scroll.

Please restore this functionality, or AT LEAST make it an option we can change ourselves. Default it to disabled to protect the idiots, but let the rest of us have this functionality back please.


  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    This was a very strange change indeed. We complained about it before it was even released.