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Event questions

Vindictus Rep: 1,285
Posts: 172
in General Discussion
1. When does the free AP capsule event ends?
2. How do I get the weekly stamp pieces? I only have one a few weeks ago.
3. I want to delete all my characters except one, any news on Arisha or Lynn's second weapon?
I consider Lynn more fun to use but Arisha is a good amount stronger.


  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Rep: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    1. Next maintenance during week of 12th March.

    2. Attend weekend login packages that arrive by mail. you must wait 30 minutes to open them and grab the coupon inside along with additional rewards.

    3. No word yet from the KR community from those two classes... Though, as to why you want to delete all your toons when ye could instead use them for farming a certain raid boss for more odds of getting the drop you want, I will never know, but that's your choice.
  • LaharLahar
    Vindictus Rep: 1,285
    Posts: 172
    Ikarsu wrote: »

    3. No word yet from the KR community from those two classes...

    Though, as to why you want to delete all your toons when ye could instead use them for farming a certain raid boss for more odds of getting the drop you want, I will never know, but that's your choice.

    - Don't care about farming a certain raid boss. The odds are terrible.

    - I used to play this game all the time, now I want to delete everything except for one character. I'll probably be compelled to deleting either Arisha or Lynn also so I would have zero interest in trying the other character ever again.