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Lvl 60 gear ??

Vindictus Vertreter: 200
Post: 1
in Fiona
Hallo everyone I m new here first time playing fiona and I need some help.

I've reached lvl 61 and I think its a good time to buy some gear

People told me to go for swift / black hammer mix
I got a dreamwalker longsword
So is my gear good and how much can I stay with it..also should i enchant or enhance them ??
And what would a good small shield be for lvl 60 ?
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  • RhapsodyOfFireRhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    You should get a Holy Wing Half Plate Set for free after completing the Titan story quest. Make it +5 and you are fine.

    For weapon i used a +5 Chiulin Long Hammer.

    Hammer ftw!

    PS.: I also play fiona for the first time.
  • SeigakuSeigaku
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,045
    Posts: 57
    You get free gears at lv60, lv70, and lv80. So you don't have to bother buying any gear, or do any enchants on these gears supposedly until you hit lv90.

    You still have to get/buy shields though. Save your resources (gold,nx, etc) for lv90 gears.