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Wing Conversion Ticket To Wing Slot
It would be great if wings (phoenix, devil, angel, etc) didn't take the body slot on the avatar but actually occupy the wing slot on the equipment interface. Perhaps there could be some sort of conversion ticket or similar that will convert the wings to the wing slot. Why a ticket? Well some people already have a completed aesthetic look with the avatar slot so the ticket makes it optional if they do or don't want to make the change.
With so many wings, it seems silly that they don't use the dedicated wing slot.

I absolutely agree with you that the wings we have now should be for the back slot, not the chest slot. Why were the wings given from the migration event an outfitter? That makes no sense at all. It would be nice to see angel and devil wings with some of the chest armor pieces in the game.
I think alternatively for the slot, they can open up an back/wing slot in the avatar equipment interface that allows you to move phoenix wings back and forth between wing and chest. The reason to do this is to allow showing the wings over the armor.