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Vindictus Wiki Discussion

Vindictus Vertreter: 2,855
Posts: 176
in Fan Media
The official Vindictus Wiki at this point is outdated by about 3 years worth of information and I would like to know what is going to be done about it. It was a great resource for me when I first started playing the game and it's quite sad to see the current state that it is in. After the recent wave of fansites shutting down, there are no longer any updated Vindictus resources available. This is a huge concern because players that are new to the game will not have access to the information they need and will probably not make it far in game before they quit or move on.

Back in 2014, we had a thread on Gamepedia and the old Vindictus forums where the community got together to try and update the wiki and while it did get updated there was still much to be done. Right now, both of these threads are no longer accessible and as far as I know the person who made the Gamepedia thread has their Vindictus account permanently banned. I cannot remember who made the one on the old Vindictus forums but they have likely either moved on or have also gotten banned too, just like Sanitea, who made 4,677 contributions to the Vindictus Wiki recently did.

There is no way for players to launch a similar effort and update it once again because:
1. It would take such an enormous feat to update it at this point that it might be better starting off from scratch or at least having the proper tools to figure out what is missing, what is factually incorrect, or what has changed over the last three years (not even patch notes contain all the information on changes, many of which happened silently). Meanwhile, the amount of blank pages or incorrect/outdated information on the wiki is simply overwhelming.

2. Anyone who tries to update it may face the chance of getting permanently banned. Keep in mind that there are no incentives to update the wiki and while it was suggested that there be incentives for players who did put an effort in updating the wiki, that didn't get anywhere. In fact, Nexon has made it harder over the last few years to update the wiki by switching to BlackCipher and banning players who make any effort to obtain certain information to put on the wiki or other Vindictus resources.

So right now I think its fair to say that it's up to Nexon to maintain an updated resource for players to get the information they need instead of relying on the players.


  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Do you need datamine to get every single info ? I doubt so. Not trying to defend Nexon at all (ugh), just that this Wiki even has a few infos that could be changed by knowledge simply. (it is, seriously not hard, to take pics of bosses for example, or neither armors/weapons)

    That's the same for HeroesDB, I'm pretty sure that could be transferred to the wiki instead of just being shutdown. It'll probably requires money/patience for that (buying every single sets/weapons IG, GL) or asking friends/other people as well but yeah.. it's definitely doable.

    Are fansites banned by the sole purpose of "datamined" contents or we are too dumb to have simple knowledge about the game ?
  • CessaCessa
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    Are there enough players around who know enough about the game and are willing to help and answer questions that new players may have?
    I would hope so.

    The thing is, no one is even asking any questions about how things work in this game, even the very convoluted stuff.
    So either new players don't care or there are simply not enough new players who stick around to care to ask about the game mechanics.

    Maybe they have been finding all they need without asking as well. Good luck.
  • DelterosDelteros
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,855
    Posts: 176
    Do you need datamine to get every single info ? I doubt so. Not trying to defend Nexon at all (ugh), just that this Wiki even has a few infos that could be changed by knowledge simply. (it is, seriously not hard, to take pics of bosses for example, or neither armors/weapons)

    That's the same for HeroesDB, I'm pretty sure that could be transferred to the wiki instead of just being shutdown. It'll probably requires money/patience for that (buying every single sets/weapons IG, GL) or asking friends/other people as well but yeah.. it's definitely doable.

    Are fansites banned by the sole purpose of "datamined" contents or we are too dumb to have simple knowledge about the game ?

    Unfortunately, simple knowledge such as what a boss looks like is not going to get you far. Players would not be able to adequately prepare without knowing the stats of the boss beforehand.

    The HeroesDB is a special exception, the creator of that site put in an extraordinary amount of effort to obtain the information you see available and I don't think transferring content over would be fair, although when it comes to pictures it has already been watermarked. Buying every set and weapon is possible with enough help but I doubt anyone will ever do that.
  • DelterosDelteros
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,855
    Posts: 176
    edited February 20, 2017
    There are plenty of players around at the moment but most of them are just afking, especially with this AFK event going on. They are not always readily available in game. Tons of players have been asking for information but they don't always ask in game or even on the forums, there are other places to get information like Discord but not everyone uses it. I would wish that the forums would be a reliable place to get accurate information but apparently that is too much to ask for.
  • MiseryindexMiseryindex
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,455
    Posts: 9
    I didn't realize the wiki was still relevant or even alive. It has been irrelevant since the introduction of the VindictusDB later on replaced by Shippu's armory. The wiki never attracted enough attention from the player-base, not before, not now probably not ever.
    This thread just smells like a cheap tactic to mention Sanitee and her recent ban once again.
  • DelterosDelteros
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,855
    Posts: 176
    edited February 20, 2017
    This thread just smells like a cheap tactic to mention Sanitee and her recent ban once again.
    That was definitely not my intention, so I'm sorry that you see it that way.
    I would've made an unban Sanitee thread instead if that was the case.
  • CessaCessa
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,680
    Posts: 244
    edited February 20, 2017
    I'm part of the discord, I'm online every day.
    I read almost every post made in the forums.

    In the past month I have yet to see anyone really inquire anything about the game mechanics or proper procedures for how to do things in game.

    I think in the reddit someone asked what they should do with their level 90 Karok in terms of gearing. That's it...

    Sanitee's ban and Vindictus Armory and Vindictus Inn takedown is relevant to this thread to why players are in an information dark age about Vindictus right now.
    But if someone posts a link to that topic they'll probably just have their post removed.
    If someone links to the mentioned sites they'll probably just have their post removed also.
    Awww, yeah, Vindictus management at its finest.
  • GewelliriousGewellirious
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,945
    Posts: 364
    Discord is mostly talking about everything and nothing, mostly when new content is coming. Else it's a redundant circle or "Back when.." or 'filler' discussions as most of the people from there either doesn't play Vindi or barely.

    And not everyone is using Discord, at least anymore too.

  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    People still modify some parts of the wiki from time to time. The main story and NPC dialogue are generally the only parts that get updated frequently though.
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    The wiki is still relevant, not like there are a wealth of vindictus fansites with info like drop locations. But Devcat wants to obfuscate as much of the game mechanics as possible for some unknown reason. For example, knowing your character's damage multipliers is extremely important for maximizing DPS, yet that info is not available anywhere in game and is only available via KR dataminers.

    We used to get damage multiplier charts translated by fans, but all the people who used to do that appears to be gone now (probably quit for BDO, etc). I couldnt even find a damage multiplier chart with meteor storm on it because nobody seems to have one. Thats quite sad.