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Valentine's Event Rewards/Info?
This event is ONE TIME Only PER Account, PER Server.
LEVEL RESTRICTION: Event is unlockable at Level 10
You finished it on one character; can't do the event again on another character on the same account.
You can finish the event on East Server and will still be able to do the event on West Server. (Example)
Items and Rewards from this event are tradable to characters on the same account.
(Exception: Can trade a specific Left/Right Half Heart to other players to complete the heart)
The COLORS of the heart halves MUST MATCH to make the full heart
Blue: Pure Love (Left Half) ↔ Pure Love (Right Half)
Red: Passionate Love (Left Half) ↔ Passionate Love (Right Half)
Yellow: Unconditional Love (Left Half) ↔ Unconditional Love (Right Half)
There are 2 possible rewards.
The First is the Completed, where you complete the event and turn in the completed heart to the Strange Traveler
The Second is when you Forfeit; you gave up on the event and want it to be over with.
Both options give different rewards.
You can only choose one option per account.
Completed Event Rewards:
1 Title & 2 Emblems

Forfeited Event Rewards:
1 Title & 1 Random Emblem


I just confirmed that it is also by server. I completed the story on East and can still complete it on West.
For further clarity, you do not lose your two halves if you choose to give up; you can still complete the heart or help someone else complete theirs.

I however, do not. (edited to make clear)
What about the valentine's day ring sold in the depot, is there an expiry on it?
I have been told they expire after 30 days
Originally I had at the very end of my post that I was considering having this post deleted, because the information was already posted on the main page.
I removed the text when people said they didn't want it deleted.
Yup, so I'd advise against getting that title if there's a specific rose you want.
It's what I did, but that was before the description change, so RIP. Sent in a ticket and there wasn't anything they could do.
Updated thread.
oh okay so this explains why i got a yellow rose. I originally thought the red rose comes with the forever alone title.
Actually that part was always on the announcement O.O.
It was different on this thread, though I wanted to test/confirm myself whether it was RNG before asking for any changes on that part.
Was my fault for failing to read all of the text carefully, just skimmed through it, and posted
I'll do a better job next time, sorry for the inconvenience everyone.