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Did they change the dialogue for Ingkells?

Vindictus Rep: 800
Posts: 40
edited January 28, 2017 in General Discussion


Edit : Found out they did and saw the original which feels way more natural, who else agrees?


  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Yea, the original dialogue was definately better.

    At some point they decided to retcon the s1 storyline. It used to be Tieve who was the one who was kidnapped by the lizardmen, and Seanna was introduced at the end of s1 as the replacement oracle for Colhen.

    It's now been retconned so that Seanna gets kidnapped in s1 instead of Tieve, but Tieve is still the prophesized oracle. Which feels much less natural, because the entire reason why Tieve got kidnapped was so that the Lizardmen could confirm whether she was the prophesized oracle.

    At the same time, they rewrote a shitload of dialogue. Im not sure why exactly. Many of the rewritten parts weren't related to the s1 retcon at all. Might have been related to reducing the amount of side quests (to streamline the early game for new players), but rocheste was also rewritten even though it wasn't streamlined.

    Some significant changes in the s1 storyline (going off memory here):

    -Aodhan is now gungho about attacking the gnolls in perilious ruins

    -Instead of Gwynn saying the royal army and crimson blades would each explore one approach to hoarfrost hollow, you get told to do both

    -Ellis's role in the storyline is now massively reduced (a lot fewer scenes and dialogue), nor is he the one to get you to go to AInle in the first place.

    -Kirstie doesnt beg you for time so that she can investigate the ruins of sanctity. Nor does she reveal that you were tricked into killing the red gnoll in Perilious Ruins.

    -The start of hoarfrost depths now has you rescue the caravan carrying the artifact, instead of only hearing about the attack afterwards and being told to find the artifact.

    -When Riodran returns after the failed mission to kill Ezroch, he no longer expresses dismay/disbelief when Gwynn volunteers you to kill Ezroch because he doesn't believe that you could do it when all those soldiers failed. His reaction now is like "Yea okay if you want to become a cadet you go do it".

    -They fixed the typo/translation error in the hilder forest flashback, it used to say that "Gwynn took the bloody shade" but is now fixed so that it says Aodhan. But they still didn't fix the copy and paste error where Ingkells keeps repeating "If everyone is here, I will now explain the operation".

    -When Brakis tells you to go get beer for him and you get caught by Riodran, he no longer yells about their captain running off to hide or says that you were obviously tricked into buying the beer. He now just confiscates the beer and assumes you were acting under orders.

    -When Blawynn criticises Gwynn for abandoning the soldiers at the start of Colhen in Flames, she now reacts more calmly and orders her to stay and find as many soldiers as she can. IIRC, she used to yell at Blawynn more and then order that everyone go to help Colhen.

    -Keaghan now mentions Tarrasque ripping the fomor's hearts out of their chests at the start of Colhen in Flames, pretty sure that line used to be absent.

    -Riodran is no longer dismayed at the attack on Colhen, he used to go "It's impossible...even with Keaghan..." or something to the effect, he just says "It's too late, even with Keaghan's beast."

    -When Gwynn introduces you to Keaghan after colhen in flames, he now says "You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders for someone who's suposed to be a rookie!". This seems quite unnatural since nobody mentioned you were a rookie before.

    -When black hammer is talking to Verafrim about how there is only one last piece of the contract left (before you start Larken), he says "Keep watch here. I will let Shakarr know of our plans." This seems like a translation error, he used to say that they must not let Shakarr know of their plans (to kill him), it makes no sense now that he will tell Shakarr of their plans. After you defeat Larken, Shakarr has no idea at all, so he was obviously not told of any plans involving the contract/titan.
  • BabyDaniBabyDani
    Vindictus Rep: 1,735
    Posts: 129
    wow you haz a good memory! +best
  • EbonwingsEbonwings
    Vindictus Rep: 1,790
    Posts: 147
    I don't remember Tieve being the one kidnapped at all by the Lizardmen. It was always Seanna, since Tieve went back to Colhen almost as soon as she arrived at Rocheste.
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Oh you are right, it was Seanna. I must have remembered wrongly. For some reason I found it very strange when it was Seanna who was kidnapped instead of Tieve when i was leveling my Delia.
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Rep: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    As Question2 said, most of the in-game dialogue was re-written during story revamps. As for the Season 1 retcon, it probably occurred during Season 2 because Seanna was the one kidnapped when I started playing around the time of Nieflheim updates.

    I'm most disappointed about how insignificant they made the Red Gnoll Chieftain, it was a real "questioning beliefs" moment, and the whole of Season 1 revolves around questioning the prophecy.
    Question2 wrote: »
    -Aodhan is now gungho about attacking the gnolls in perilious ruins
    He's not "gungho" per say, but he certainly isn't as reluctant as he used to be. The order of Episode 1 missions were slightly altered so that you are forced to complete what is now called "Gnoll Assembly Area" (the mission was originally called "Friends?"), and so the dialogue was changed to reflect this. The assembling of a large army is a pretty good reason that Aodhan lists off for attacking the gnoll chieftain. If I recall correctly, you originally go in with the other mercenaries to rescue unnamed mercs after Wind through the Ruins.
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Rep: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    IIRC Aodhan orders the attack before gnoll assembly area but i might be wrong.