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About Royal Army Raids.....


  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    As much as I can appreciate this community is helpful, i don't see why now players are taking initiative to try to solve the problem instead of Nexon doesn't even bothered to show up and explain the issue. It was suppose to be a simple issue--fix the damn lag.

    While youre right and all, there is no evidence Nexon even knows what the problem is, let alone have the resources to fix it. What we know is that sometimes the raids work spectacularly, and it's only slightly more uncommon than the laggy ones. Maybe it's a difference of culture, but I've always enjoyed the sense of agency that comes with investigating and solving problems myself rather than asking someone else to do it, even if they are the ones who should be responsible.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    edited January 31, 2017
    2edgy4u wrote: »
    As much as I can appreciate this community is helpful, i don't see why now players are taking initiative to try to solve the problem instead of Nexon doesn't even bothered to show up and explain the issue. It was suppose to be a simple issue--fix the damn lag.

    While youre right and all, there is no evidence Nexon even knows what the problem is, let alone have the resources to fix it. What we know is that sometimes the raids work spectacularly, and it's only slightly more uncommon than the laggy ones. Maybe it's a difference of culture, but I've always enjoyed the sense of agency that comes with investigating and solving problems myself rather than asking someone else to do it, even if they are the ones who should be responsible.
    By all means feel free to pay for all these cash items with big money and also become nexon's tech guy and work for them in your spare time when you are suppose to be enjoying the game. Nexon has over 5000 employees and somehow I doubt they don't have the resource to fix the issues.
    Also i can't say it's "slightly more uncommon". the only royal army raid i had which did not lag was the one right after the maintenance finished. then everything went to hell onward.
    Don't get me wrong cuz there are many things i like about this game, and will probably keep playing until things in vindictus gets so crazy it's not enjoyable anymore or the cost for building characters skyrockets.
    Also it bothers me as to how much more love GMs give to posts with cash events related questions over all other posts...Just look at the suggestion and feedback or bug report section...I wonder if they actually read these at all.
  • Member Noburo
    Vindictus Rep: 2,940
    Posts: 329
    edited January 31, 2017
    Honestly my hopes aren't that high after 5 months of picking apart the UI lag for them with no progress. This is one of the few threads on the Royal Army issue that has survived into the weekdays though, so maybe they'll see it this time and understand we're not screwing around about how stupid this is.
  • Member MrGold
    Vindictus Rep: 1,490
    Posts: 366
    Let the players host Royal Raids. Nexon servers obviously can't be trusted.
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    Here we go again with the whale shaming. Not that I am even a whale lol.

    I understand it's easier and perhaps more satisfying for you to futilely flail your arms at big bad Nexon whenever something goes wrong. As a clever man once said, "there's a gentle high to the condemnation". However, I realize that the only guarantor of results is to take action myself. I take action not because I have absolved Nexon of their responsibility but because I am not satisfied to simply wait. I too am simply trying to enjoy the game. The fact that about 30% of Royal Raids run fine means to me that we can push that up to 50% or even 90% with, god forbid, a little effort on our part.
  • Member ImBeastly
    Vindictus Rep: 510
    Posts: 22
    You're acting like 30% is fine, lol. The fact is that Nexon is a big company, and there should be 0 issues running these raids. Months go by and Nexon does absolutely nothing, what's the point of having these raids if It's a gamble if I'm even going to be able to play it. They go from either 5-10 minute runs with a bit of lag, to 30-40 min runs with unbearable lag, it's a complete joke.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    2edgy4u wrote: »
    Here we go again with the whale shaming. Not that I am even a whale lol.

    I understand it's easier and perhaps more satisfying for you to futilely flail your arms at big bad Nexon whenever something goes wrong. As a clever man once said, "there's a gentle high to the condemnation". However, I realize that the only guarantor of results is to take action myself. I take action not because I have absolved Nexon of their responsibility but because I am not satisfied to simply wait. I too am simply trying to enjoy the game. The fact that about 30% of Royal Raids run fine means to me that we can push that up to 50% or even 90% with, god forbid, a little effort on our part.
    I agree that ourselves are way more reliable than Nexon in both the ability to host and mentality to fix the problem.

    I'd say less than 10% of the runs are fine though. I trust the player base will understand and put a lot more efforts into helping Nexon fix the problem IF NEXON IS WORKING HARD to get the craps straight. The point is, why are we working to get the things resolved while Nexon is just standing and watching, putting up a crap load of cash items to dig your gold while not be able to provide a comfort and fully enjoyable environment?
  • Member Zupsero
    Vindictus Rep: 600
    Posts: 41
    wow the devotion of some players is hilarious :D

    if i work like this im getting fired, thats for sure
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    I realize that it's fashionable to hate on Nexon, and I'll even admit they should be accountable for their product, but this idea that we players can't do a bit of troubleshooting to enjoy the game in the meantime still doesn't make sense to me. Please explain.

    The number 30% doesn't matter. Even if it were 1% it wouldn't change my argument. If it's possible to have a lag-free run and it doesn't seem entirely out of our control, why wouldn't we control it?

    Like I said, it could be a difference of culture. Where I come from, K-12 students clean up after themselves even though the school hires custodians. When I attended an American high school, you'd see spilled milk cartons, bits of food and wrapping all over the cafeteria and even hallways after lunch. I understand the mindset of not doing other people's jobs for them, but there's something to be said for exercising personal agency.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    edited February 3, 2017
    2edgy4u wrote: »
    I realize that it's fashionable to hate on Nexon, and I'll even admit they should be accountable for their product, but this idea that we players can't do a bit of troubleshooting to enjoy the game in the meantime still doesn't make sense to me. Please explain.

    The number 30% doesn't matter. Even if it were 1% it wouldn't change my argument. If it's possible to have a lag-free run and it doesn't seem entirely out of our control, why wouldn't we control it?

    Like I said, it could be a difference of culture. Where I come from, K-12 students clean up after themselves even though the school hires custodians. When I attended an American high school, you'd see spilled milk cartons, bits of food and wrapping all over the cafeteria and even hallways after lunch. I understand the mindset of not doing other people's jobs for them, but there's something to be said for exercising personal agency.
    these two stories are completely unrelated...we are not in school, this is BUSINESS. We are not kids, we are adults.

    With that being said, I'm a trader myself. In business, adults treat each other with RESPECT. I'm pretty sure most of us here paid to play, and maybe a lot (this is definitely me) paid more than what you pay for world of warcraft or tera or any other game. (tbh this game really costs your wallet if you wanna git gud quickly) Us, as valued customers of Nexon, deserve to be respected, and their attitude towards all these glitches/bugs/lags/fps drops are not showing much of it, especially the kind of response (which there's none) proves that they are not very urgent on providing us a smooth environment. Then, one gacha box after another, one cash sale after another...
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    edited February 3, 2017
    Sure but how does their disrespect preclude us from doing something about the problem ourselves? Will someone please just answer the question instead of deflecting forever?

    It's fine if you dont want to fix the problem, but why take issue with those of us who do?
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    edited February 3, 2017
    2edgy4u wrote: »
    Sure but how does their disrespect preclude us from doing something about the problem ourselves? Will someone please just answer the question instead of deflecting forever?
    I don't know about you but I ain't helping someone who don't respect me. I'll just forget about royal army and not even gonna try that and that's why i don't get why you would help them. this is not the way to motivate Nexon to fix the problems.

    whining can be a way to solve this in my belief. if no one actually run royal army anymore, and new comers who wants title are having hard time get a group going, people will start whining on the forum (more whining than now) and nexon will realize what a piece of crap this is and then find a way to either just drop it and make something else better or fix it.
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    I think if all it takes to demotivate Nexon is the playerbase showing that they care enough to try to get it working by themselves, then Nexon wasn't going to do anything anyway.
    But still, you do you. And while you are busy making a statement and taking a stand for righteousness and justice, those of us who play the game for enjoyment will continue to do so.
  • Member BladeXAngel
    Vindictus Rep: 1,805
    Posts: 229
    edited February 3, 2017
    2edgy4u wrote: »
    I think if all it takes to demotivate Nexon is the playerbase showing that they care enough to try to get it working by themselves, then Nexon wasn't going to do anything anyway.
    But still, you do you. And while you are busy making a statement and taking a stand for righteousness and justice, those of us who play the game for enjoyment will continue to do so.

    Sure, but i don't see which part of enjoyment you are going to have when you are suffering and trying to figure out how to make royal army less laggy and then end up watching slide shows over and over again until you realize it's only Nexon who can actually fix it...but maybe i'm wrong...so whatever...

    Btw, Nexon can you just fix this damn thing so nobody needs to argue over this...
  • Member 2edgy4u
    Vindictus Rep: 2,915
    Posts: 391
    I've honestly never had to reset more than twice to find a good run. Maybe I'm just luckier, but more than that it's having the right attitude. Like I said, a difference of culture perhaps.