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Vindictus Vertreter: 1,285
Posts: 172
edited Januar 21, 2017 in General Discussion
Over 6 months since I last played this game. Currently just using the forums with the game not downloaded.

1. Any of the characters such as Lynn or Arisha have a secondary weapon yet?
2. Any big drastic chances among current characters?
3. Any new characters?
4. What is the max level?
5. What do most high level players do now?
6. Are there new weapons and how expensive or cheap are they?


  • KourinKourin
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,375
    Posts: 127
    Wait another 6 months and you can probably expect changes, since that's approximately when the Hurk 2nd weap comes over to us along with level 95 cap and new raids/level 95 items. Transformation system will be changing as well, but no news on 3rd trans.

    No new characters, as the new director has said he wants to focus less on that aspect for now. Even though he's a bit of an idiot, I agree with him on this point. Unless Delia was released when you were absent?? I don't know when she got here.
  • Question2Question2
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,235
    Posts: 718
    Level 90 is the max cap and most players do s3 raids/dailies and Neamhainn now. Level 90 orange weapons can be bought from the seal shop for a total cost of 350 seals (150 seals for the primary, 50 seals per shard, 4 shards needed). Paradise stones are probably the main cost factor though, as they have a terrible drop rate everywhere except Muir which is a daily battle like succubus.