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What level 90 gear do I get for Kai?
So I just hit 90, I'm using the level up event gear atm and could use help regarding what gear to get on Kai.
-What level 90 OJ set+wep should I go for?
-Bracelet combo (My guess is ATT + DEF)
-Earrings (Assuming It'll be Innocent Cry)
Also would like to know what ES to put on all of these

pretty new to 90 so i don't know much
If I WAS running a 90 weapon, I would be running Regina weapon/hands/feet and Terminus helm/chest/pants.
Enlightened Enthusiastic Helm/Pants
Temporal Master of Well-Balanced Master Chest
Reinforced Echoing Hands/feet
Immoral Judgment or Immoral Spirited typically on weapon
I use Ruby/Emerald copper bracelets(health and defense).
Fast Passion Innocent Cry
Subdued Passion Emerald or Peridot Belt
The Dead Passion Thunder Rings or Crescent Moon Announcements
Fast Passion Kitty Necklace(any of the kitty necklaces will do)
Significant Passion Artifact(cat statue/greater cat is recommended)
Significant Passion(or Fast Passion if you have the balance) Blue Kitty Brooch for crit, White Kitty Brooch for speed
Be sure you have a Berserker somewhere in your build replacing one of the Passions.
Going full Terminus is also fine. Any of the armor sets work really. I can give you other options if you want them.
So 3 Regina and 3 Term is ideal because of the ES you can use right?
With the character growth level 90 full AP reset capsule, I haven't decided on xgun or bow yet since I enjoy both +haha, but I think i'd like to focus on a crit/speed build.
Getting this gear+es will sure keep me busy +cold