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So how do the shard drops work for Berbhe?

Vindictus Vertreter: 850
Posts: 21
in General Discussion
Ben Chenner Entrance has Lightweight
Ben Chenner Trailhead has Keen
Ben Chenner Summit has Stable
Lochlann Plains has Perfect
Downtown Berbhe has _____?


  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited Januar 14, 2017
    Downtown berbhe drops shards dependent on which boss you fight. From my research, I have found 2 known locations to farm lightweight, keen, and stable shards effectively. All dungeons drop the usual solid + smooth shards.

    Jamiroff: only drops lightweight shards.

    Orlaith: only drops stable shards.

    Hagan: drops lightweight and keen shards.

    Ordon: only drops Keen shards.

    Baethan: only drops lightweight shards.

    Mad Morbus: only drops stable shards.

    Hexad: only drops perfect shards.

    Lograch: Only drops perfect shards.

    Manus (Destructive curse boss): Drops all 4 weapon shards.

    EDIT: research has been completed. The following bosses drops these shards.
  • TheNewKaiTheNewKai
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,405
    Posts: 129
    Man i wish they'd change it back to how it was before and bring back the extra bosses. So pointless to run s3 now. This game is getting harder and harder to make money
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    TheNewKai said:

    Man i wish they'd change it back to how it was before and bring back the extra bosses. So pointless to run s3 now. This game is getting harder and harder to make money
    You mean Ekindus, Barchdus, Thanthanus, and Epidemius of Destruction? they can be found via random encounter or Fighting them in a daily run. As long as one person in the group has the FIRST daily active, you can fight these bosses over and over again and each time you kill them rewards you with 6 cores.

    As for the dungeons being in its original state, yes, I wish that would happen, but loads of peeps complained of how difficult it was and that's why the revamp happened. *sighs* I miss the old ben chenner. That was really fun back in the day.