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After 2 years of not playing...
As the title says I haven't played the game for 2 years, and this article is about my opinions based on what I have observed during my return to the game(mostly about the updates). I don't write in the forums often, so forgive me if I overstep my boundaries or this discussion seemed out of place or just outright n**b writing. Two years ago I was an avid player of the game and mainly played Fiona, back then a certain update added consecutive focal point to Fiona abilities - fast forward 2 years later focal point is now just a 2 hit combo at most. The current state of Fiona game play made me write this article and sum up my views of all this updates.
First and foremost the removal of shield durability( I actually like it) is already against of what I think blocking means in this game its an unfair advantage(both because its a permanent def when people can break all their armor and etc). Second Blocking was meant to be a defensive skill similar to other characters evade with the advantage of being able to instantly counter. Talking about counter, whats the point of counter if you can always combo amaranth out of a perfect block?, I agree that the long combos(amaranth and stigma) should be more rewarding but adding that it be able to skip animation on a perfect block is DISGUSTING. why?First it defeats the purpose of doing combos even the purpose of shield deflect.
Secondly and most biggest answer to "why" its disgusting is because its an incentive to GLITCH into an attack and get perfect block to skip having to combo, and sadly people praise this type of play is this how Fiona should be played? be played by GLITCHING? sadly this ability has been around even before focal point was a thing.Consecutive Focal point - a real story of skill and understanding of game mechanics(a skill complimenting shield deflect); dropped off as not Fiona style of play because Fiona game play is about d*mb Glitching. Well what have I expected? its the same devs that "made" counting shots fired in cross gun give it buffs, the same devs who would probably never buff kais longbow mode, same devs who think having unskilled arishas should have option to exchange sp for mp(not that I'm against it), the same devs who nerfed karok to death that my karok friends have all quit, the same devs ....... list goes on and on. To sum it up the devs love glitchers and n**bs, hates skillful players and big black men.
Also the buffs that made Karok and Kai able to competitively dps without playing out of their minds.
And maybe the enter key a few times.
You came back to the game.
You see an empty server with a tiny player population.
And you ended up complaining about shield durability and glitches.
What can I say? You are a genius!!!!
you are the Genius. You assumed everything, not a word about population yet you came up with that conclusion your trully an ass-sumption Genius.
In no specific order, regarding your concerns:
What are you talking about with this glitching crap?
For that matter remember feather dash cancel? That glitch we used to have to do to actually dodge? Fifi's combat roll covers more space than before so we don't have to do that anymore. Thank God for it too. That's a positive in anyone's book and I'd like to think you could appreciate it.
I fail to see how durability removal is unfair. You yourself said it's like Fiona's evade. Does any other character's dodge break? If anything it has only leveled the playing field and improved quality of life because we don't have to stop constantly for shield repairs or use our sp on it.
As for focal point spam removal, focal point is better than ever. In exchange for not being able to spam it it does more damage than ever. Shield dash and kick dash don't share a cd now so if it really bothers you you could do skill dash into focal into kick dash cancel into focal.
Deflect is fantastic it lets you be more aggressive than ever. The point isn't defeated by perfect block allowing combos after, if anything it's complimented by it. It's not like you want to wait around for a boss to hit you, normal attack combos have better movement than before and if done at the right moment deflect can lead to an extra focal point or amaranth kick.
Did you know that you can go into a combo after 2 counters? Just wondering.
These changes had to happen because bosses got a lot faster.
As for the rest I'm gonna stop right now because I'm sleepy and you seem pretty hostile so I think you're just going to roll your eyes at my responses so what's the point.
Fiona doesn't use glitches now, she plays heavily with repositioning with your normals and counters and kick dash focals.
Long bow is buffed, Arisha's MP swap is mostly due to inconsistency of getting drains in party environments, Karok is one of the most powerful characters with a solid kit now.
If the Devs hated skilled play, then by all means try to survive Neamhain for more than 2 minutes.
Next time, do your research first before you come swinging k?
Sorry been a long time since I looked at the forums but disregarding all the other newer crap(since the post was january) both of you are actually very wrong[except the roll (maybe because sometimes more distance for a melee char means doom)].
Oh right! you said it yourself we have better dodge now and it doesn't break either so why shield doesn't break? Keep trying kid shield not breaking was bat **** bad update accept it believe it.
You said it yourself you can do amaranth combo after 2 counters so why shield deflect it has longer mations and all the other crap, and you said it yourself that bosses are "faster" so doesn't that mean more counter opportunities and much more danger for shield deflects but then I might have missed what you meant by "fast". also btw the combo after counters is only with shield enhance =.=
Really focal with slashing high back pre anti spam is weaker in dps?
Just accept it that the anti spam update(no idea when this happened) was a nerf.
"Focal spam promoted def stacking face tanking, yet another low skill playstyle which again seems to bother you"
- oh yea but the large shield skill that makes you take less damage is not a message by the devs about skill play? also this skills allow some weird hammer moves to be used during duration that has long ass nimations- totally telling you to face tank!
"if you just sit around waiting to PG SECA AK then you're playing Fiona at a very low skill threshold" idk what you are saying but my guess it is turtling style why should I turtle if I can face tank, right?
uh... yea? fiona still glitches like no tomorrow. I think I actually have a vid of it 3 high level fionas still glitch dashing to attacks and this was even more recent than this post.
uh? but the devs did nerf karok at one point to 0 damage.
idk about kai but seems like damage is still **** without cross gun. Hated that class anyway.