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Market place crafting material list is wrong

Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
Posts: 89
edited Januar 10, 2017 in General Discussion
I just noticed that the market crafting materials amount is wrong.Im trying to finish leveling my armorsmithing , and i need to craft lvl 80 armor so i went for black pearl set , and i bought the mat using the market place crafting tab to see the materials requirement ,it say 20 of each when infact it is 10 , they say i need 30 exquisite ore but again it's 20 when i look over my armorsmithing mat requirement.

So i end up with 50 lakoria flask ,hide , exoskeleton , that i can't resell

Can't they fix that crap


  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    The market shows you the costs to NPC craft them. However, using the talent tab, you can check what you need to craft via expertise without the need of being in your stall. It's a pretty neat feature should you need it in the future.

    As for the extra mats, just hang on to them, I'm sure some peeps would want extra pirate gear as a poor man's enlight enthu set without having to deal with the whole get orange prime TS / lugh parts, but that's just me.

    I never use the crafting materials tab because I can just look up what I need and buy it that way. Most of the armor sets I memorized since I crafted so many of them.
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 89
    edited Januar 10, 2017
    Oh well i guess i learned it the hard way , i also just noticed i have been running around the whole time using int based everlasting chest piece on my fiona.

    That again one of those thing that can confuse people since there are 2 version on some set with the same armor/icon picture but one is int the onther is str , a text specifying which one is which would be nice , beside looking at the stats it give.
  • TheDayInLoveTheDayInLove
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,975
    Posts: 290
    The marketplace show both NPC craft cost and Expertise craft cost. You just need to switch into Expertise since the MP showing NPC as default.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited Januar 10, 2017
    Basically there's an extra wording or changed wording in the set name to signify the intelligence counterpart.

    70 armors:

    Everlasting: STR

    Everlasting Leather: INT

    apocryphal: STR

    Mahra: INT

    Royal Guard: STR

    Imperial Guard: INT

    Phantom Heavy: STR

    Phantom Light: INT

    Nighthawk's Heavy: STR

    Nighthawk's Light: INT

    Champion: STR

    Champion Soft: INT

    Majesty: STR

    Majesty Soft: INT

    80 armors:

    Black pearl: light STR

    Pirate: Heavy STR

    Classic Black Pearl: INT

    Heremon's: STR

    Heremon's Soft: INT

    Noblesse: STR

    Noblesse Witch: INT

    Skeleton: STR

    Skeleton Witch: INT

    Armageddon: STR

    Armageddon Witch: INT

    Hope this will help you out a bunch when crafting.
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 89