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Ein Lacher: 9 battles left until Golden God.


  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited Januar 6, 2017
    Update: Took down Iset, the most INFURIATING boss of Ein lacher. 3 left.
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 89
    Good job
    I wish i had the skill and patience to do this , i've been restarting the same fight for atleast an hour just trying to get silver on the last fragment , that boss got some bullshit moves especially the range attack he like to spam
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    @Renkotsu yeah, Kakrish's wind blade is a pain, but can easily be dodged to the side as he readies his swing depending on the character. Though, he also tries to catch you off guard by hopping around multiple times (3 or 4 hops) and then depending on how close you are, do a shield charge (which is faster in Last fragment), or fire another wind blade. For kakrish, I just attacked his sides and waited for the next wind blade to fire so I can close in and get another hit in. For Kakrish's Revenge, you have to rely on a hit-and-run tactic just to avoid getting hit. Also, the Fomorian commander boss fights are also a pain as you fight them in a small arena with many objects getting in the way.

    Basically Kakrish has this move set in Last fragment:

    Close range:

    spins around to execute two slashes.

    Steps forward, and slashes once.

    Mid range:

    Hops about once, then prepares a wind slash.

    Hops around 3 or four times, then prepares a shield charge, or wind slash depending on how far you are.

    Taunts the player (leaves him open for attacking)

    Far range:

    Spams Wind slashes over and over again, usually 3 to 6 times.

    Hops towards the player to place pressure, will either execute a close range attack, or hop again.

    Taunts the player (leaves him open for attacking)

    Break off:

    helmet (takes 3 hits). Makes him flinch for 3 seconds per successful hit.

    maybe this will help you out to make kakrish a bit more predictable.
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    Speaking of Ein Lacher, they really need to change the wording for the No Potion Achievements. It says without using any potions or without dying, but it needs to be changed to without using potions and without dying. It is very misleading.
  • QuinqueQuinque
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,805
    Posts: 102
    edited Januar 7, 2017
    Kourin said:

    12 left.
    Colru for the raid and the rest are just normal battles mainly from Prairie, Sewers and Ben10.

    The hardest I've done are Lord Glas which took me hours and Thor. Thor was ridiculous, his turning attacks are just ugh. On the bright side, you can kind of cheese Thor by just continuously going around him.

    Colru... I don't even know where to begin with Colru. It's really not that often you get the opportunity to do this raid and it's always been with a party so it was unexpected how terrible it was. His attacks never stop and his range is ridiculous. Not to mention his stupid attack patterns that range from fluid to all of a sudden instant/choppy, what were the developers going for with this.

    It's beginning to seem like I'll just forever be stuck at 69/70 because I am incapable of getting gold on Colru and watching videos doesn't help because my Colru is constantly PMSing. It's ruined any desire for me to do the raid ever again outside of Einrach, I hate it that much.
    Colru took me 9 hours +... At some point it almost became a mental issue. Had lots of tries with 1 hit it was so frustrating. He rotates through 4 different patterns and each last about a minute or so, if you can finish him fast you won't have to go through his 4th pattern where he would punch you into oblivion or roll into a ball and jump all over the place. I had a bit of trouble with that 4th pattern so I ended up kiting him (running in circle around the map so he does nothing but following you) till he shifted into 1st pattern again. Cheesed my way out of a couple of bosses like that.

    Got Golden God on one character, don't think I have enough patience and endurance for another round lol
    Vindictus Vertreter: 540
    Posts: 29
    edited Januar 7, 2017
    I'm finding lugh ridiculously hard, even to silver. When he goes invisible and does the red charge seems impossible for a lann to dodge. And he always does it at 1-2 bars, which is super demoralizing. First battle I'm actually giving up on.

    Weird because it's the easiest s3 raid as a group.
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 89
    Does colru still spam his one hit ko with the homing black orb in this , i know they removed glas grab and keaghan 1hit kill but im not sure about the other boss.
  • CherishedCherished
    Vindictus Vertreter: 875
    Posts: 12
    I finished Golden God during the original run, I still remember the month long wait for Succubus and Monark to show up! Playing through a few battles with Delia I have noticed some slight changes, such as how you no longer have Transformation on Shakarr.

    The most satisfying battle was definitely Iset, she is brutal with scythe. But finally I studied the timings and put together a strategy that worked.

    Along the path to Golden God there was one big surprise for me. I thought for sure that Iset would be the hardest battle, but it ended up being one I never would have expected: The Howling Soul! That battle nearly broke my soul. It was the only battle that I had to walk away from and go do something else to clear my head. +pain
  • NessaEsperNessaEsper
    Vindictus Vertreter: 780
    Posts: 19
    Renkotsu said:

    Does colru still spam his one hit ko with the homing black orb in this , i know they removed glas grab and keaghan 1hit kill but im not sure about the other boss.
    Yep he still does, you would be pretty lucky if he never does it at all.
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited Januar 7, 2017
    @ERROR When lugh teleports, he will always be DIRECTLY behind you from where you are currently facing when he glows the first time around (4 bars or less HP). Though, for the triple slash unblockable, you're supposed to Either run away from him, or dodge past his right shoulder so he can circle around you and thus be unable to get a hit in depending on how far you are when he starts the animation. For some reason, when you're up to his face, his first frames on the unblockables are unable to hit you, so keep that in mind when you're soloing lugh.

    @Renkotsu Colru still retains his triple black ball attack, but the game gives you plenty of time to set up a wall to prevent you from getting hit. Overall in Ein lacher, Colru is a bit slower when it comes to charging up that attack, allowing the player to defend themselves with the two walls provided in the battle. Colru will start this at around 5 bars of HP remaining.

    @Cherished I found a work around for Imich. Just don't let him chase you down when he's in the Soul burst phase and the blue flames won't generate on the ground as he walks. Usually a lot of resets occur is from those blue flames being registered as a hit. Also, on his third cross slash in the burst phase can be punished with a hit and run strategy of scythe evies double slash as she blinks, which allows the the bloody thread to do damage when she snaps her fingers. Though, grats on Golden God. I'll be there soon when I get good RNG for Keser, Ekinar, and Aghlan.

    @QueenofMana wording seems fine for me. You can survive a silver run face tanking hits so long as you don't use merc potions or accidently drink an hp potion. There's even a title known as Only the weak use potions earned when you do all 70 battles without ingesting a health potion.
  • RenkotsuRenkotsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,240
    Posts: 89
    edited Januar 7, 2017
    Oh yes i hate howling soul , any boss that cross cut wont work correctly if you are to close it doesn't work and if you're to far away same deal , it's like some attack just have an weird angle.

    ts vella is probably the easiest class to get all gold , i can't imagine the rage if they never did all those revamp for her , i remember back when she was released ,crosscut had so many issue
  • IkarsuIkarsu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 3,765
    Posts: 765
    edited Januar 7, 2017
    Update: Took down aghlan the golem. Turns out he was patched to make the battle easier for X gun due to a major path finding glitch. All raids are earned with a gold Medal. Now for the lizardmen assassins.

    EDIT: Earned gold on Keser. Simple attack pattern, and can be baited into doing the kick stance over and over again.

    Now for the last Gold, Ekinar.

    Double EDIT: Finally obtained golden god! Also got a few left over tickets.
  • KourinKourin
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,375
    Posts: 127
    ERROR said:

    I'm finding lugh ridiculously hard, even to silver. When he goes invisible and does the red charge seems impossible for a lann to dodge. And he always does it at 1-2 bars, which is super demoralizing. First battle I'm actually giving up on.

    Weird because it's the easiest s3 raid as a group.
    His stabby stabby and throwy in the water attack? Just stand where he spawns, it will completely miss you lololol. Not sure if intentional or a design flaw. There's a Lugh tutorial on this forum as well now.