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East/West 1 on 1 Arena fights
Will be offering 1 on 1 Arena fights will match you're stats or could take off all my gear and pvp naked, feel free to pm me if you want to practice or have a little fun.
I only play one class, which is kai(Mostly bow, but can use gun also)
My Ign Arrow95 East
Borislav(the l is a L) West, I don't play much of west, since I main on East but will try to log on once and a while.
I work during the day so can only pvp during the night.
You gonna deny me of a challenage which i have been looking for?
You're call doe
>People talk about how good they are, but refuse to fight him
I'll add your west kai when I'm back home.
>are enough to not tell when someone's being sarcastic / joking
I won't PvP u cause, I suck at PvP xD
Also, I can't wait for someone to take this the "wrong way" and cause yet another Crap Cyclone because I'm a kai. Real Original comeback these days.
However on the other side, it also depends how someone perceives exact situation. I don't know exactly how it looks like in NA PvP, but in general there are some people who talk to each other with 'insults' as part of a normal conversation. It all depends how someone takes it.
My personal advice would be as @Arrow95 mentioned - just ignore this kind of people, and set your own course. Interact with people who fit your preference and don't bother with people who do not. There is no point to care about 'what other people think', rly... IT IS IMPORTANT TO LISTEN people, but then you have to evaluate their response - and if it sounds stupid and you can't possibly have any reasonable discussion with these people... just ignore it.
Some people are like 'this', and some like 'this'... you should also be careful to not generalize everyone who plays PvP and think that they all are 'like this'. I can say the very same thing about PvE. I've meet tons of unpleasant people who play PvE, but it doesn't mean that everyone is like this.
You can also try to create your own 'community', a group of people with who you can enjoy the gameplay with.
If anyone would be interested in PvP, but doesn't really know where to start - you can contact me. I would be very happy to help you learn more about PvP ^^.
bring it on ill do my best and go all out
you are very good
you beat me naked!