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A game full of potential.

Vindictus Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in General Discussion
As the title suggests, i really really do believe this game is full of potential even after all these years of release. And better so updates are coming up time to time. I was a player back since the closed beta days and took some hiatus for a year or 2 and then when searching for something to play, i came back to this game again. It is one of those game that doesn't really leave you if you're a long time player and although a lot of things have changed, i would still say it is one of the best out there in the MMO market. Every game has flaws and VINDICTUS is no exception but i believe the creators can look up for that and the player base has went down significantly over the years. i see no one doing any form of parties specially early levels but it is also because the game has made it so that we can get to the late game with ease with friends, party or even ourselves. But nevertheless combat feels great in this game and i believe environment, story and even the musics are really blended well into the world of VINDICTUS. It is unique on it's own and i have yet to see another company develop a game with this much potential.

With that being said why is it still not popular or rather does not have a consistent player base?
Shouldn't the company try to promote a bit about this game to the outside world and try to bring in more players. It is in the end just mu opinion but game of this caliber if going to waste by not promoting it more.
I am recommending this game to people i know and some have tried and they're all actually very surprised how the did not know about this game before and in this prime, there were a lot of people that even the servers could not handle it.
And i'm just saying this because as i know and a lot of veteran players and even some new ones, i'm sure they know the potential this game has. And i'm trying to bring in some more people so we can play together and learn together and grow together but there's only so much one person can do. Or rather the game community can do. What this game needs is the support from the Company itself. Promote it more with the new updates that are coming. And i'm sure slowly but surely, people will start coming even if just out of curiosity; But don't waste the quality this game provides. Give it a one more push NEXON. With the decline of MMOs in the eastern market, showing that this game still lives and can be better, isn't now a perfect time to promote it???

But it is in the end just my opinion. I do not know the full history of the game or whatever but It is what i've been thinking lately after coming back to this game once more.