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Bring back oldschool vindi (full desert runs)

Vindictus Vertreter: 100
Post: 1
in General Discussion
Well yeah... idk man.
Game felt so much better back then. You could choose to do full shipyard or desert runs which was really cool and fun. Esp the desert dungeon....looked so freakin cool.
Why delete that?
The desert maps were what me and my friends mostly did, instead of just raids all the time (which the game apparently only focuses on).
Felt like u were on a long adventure together.
You help eachother out through the dungeon and when u get to the last boss u might have alrdy ran out of feathers, which made it kind of tense. Atleast for me.
Had to carry my nab friends all the time.... ncncnc

Anyway just my 2 cents. Rlly liked those dungeons, dont see the purpose on deleting them??

R.I.P Desert