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What is the point of this game?

Vindictus Rep: 100
Posts: 2
in General Discussion
I've played this game for 35ish hours and there are a lot of good points to it. The story is pretty ok, the combat is excellent, the enemies are varied and the levels are fun to go through but there is so much wrong with this game.

The enemies are dumb and weak. I can just walk forward and keep pressing lmb. Why have timed blocking, dodging and weapon swing dodging if you don't even need it? I don't understand why you would implement this kind of stuff and have nothing going for it. It's pretty much dynasty warriors except there aren't any hoards to mob through. It's boring and I'm surprised I even played it this long. It's not engaging and seriously hampers me wanting to spend money on something so brain dead easy. I see a normal button every time I am selecting a mission but there isn't anything else to choose. Why is there a normal button? Is there an update coming to add to this or something?

The grind from level 1 to level 90 is just there to be there. At least that's what I can tell. I have no reason to craft something if you just hand me weapons and armor every 5 to 10 levels. I have nothing to work towards except clicking next mission buttons. The brain dead enemies do not make up for the lack of grind. I pick up all sorts of stuff in levels but have not found a use for them at any level. I pick up scrolls that have a week timer attached to them but I don't even need to use them. What are you having your players work towards? Is it all just end game? I don't get it. Why not have some weapon and armor grind before end game?

There are all sorts of shops to buy stuff at but none of it is useful to buy because I don't need to buy anything. Why would I buy bombs if I can just roll through enemies without even trying? Why buy weapon and armor quests when I don't need to even do those quests to get that stuff. The player has entire towns and and cities backing them up but they don't even need the back up. It's all just window dressing.

I feel like I am missing something here. I wanted to try another character but I thought about what I just went through and I don't want to do it again at this point. I'm sure I could cut my time in half by skipping the stories, since I've already read them, skipping side quest since I don't need them and just general knowledge of farming season 2 bosses but I don't even want to do that anymore. It's so boring!

I realize I can just go play another game, and I will be, but I see an awesome grind in here and I don't see it being implemented. Why not?