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Questions about Returning Player event

Posts: 3
in General Discussion

I haven’t played Vindictus in years and I decided to check on the game’s website suddenly remembering Vindictus and octoberish being the anniversary all because of a character in my mobile game that totally copied Delia’s dodge animation lol cool points for you if you know what game I’m talking about!

But here are my questions. I saw the +12 gear return pack for players 30 days inactive.
1. Do you get this gear instantly if your character is lv90?
2. Do you get it only on the first character you login to?
3. If I want say.. a +12 set on Miri, a character I’ve never played before, would I have to train a Miri to lv90 to obtain the gear and how fast is it to get to 90 as F2P these days? Are there any jump character events right now that give you a character of your choice straight to lv90?
4. Would I be able to login to a low leveled character and keep the return pack in my inventory or does it expire? I’m wondering this in case I take long to get to 90. I’d want it to be a permanent package that will reward me everytime I level.

Thanks in advance!