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How to get a Comrade?

Vindictus Rep: 200
Posts: 3
in General Discussion
Hi there, i just recently return to the game and there's alot of new stuff that caught my attention and i was curiuos about, one of the things was this so called Comrade system wich basicly its like a second pet.
While lvling i notice the game offered a Hellish Handmaidens Comrade (15 days), and imo she is quite usefull in terms of helping in damage and killing stuff and i notice there's this so called Dimensional Orb thingy that u pay real money in order to try to have a chance of getting a Comrade Arcana., or you can buy her for ingame currency with tons of gold in the mp.

As a returning player i dont have that ammount of gold neither i trust my luck to buy those dimensional ( wich imo are way tooo overprice).

So my question is how can we get a Comrade? without being behind a p2w wall, is there a quest or some cheaper Comrade that we can get?