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Patrolling the Dephts's bonus mission bug

Vindictus Rep: 400
Posts: 3
in Bug Reporting
I don't know if it's just me but.. I would like to report this bug.
The bonus mission Obtain 2 magic powders of the battle quest Patrolling the depths seems to be bugged becouse it will not be completed even if u meet the requirements.

I tried to few tricks to bypass this bug:
I tried to get them before killing the boss, but didn't work
I tried to get 3 Magic Powders before killing the boss, but didn't work
I Managed to get one Powder Before the boss and the other one after killing him, In this case the [System] told me that the mission was completed but in the battle info [N] Key it says it wasn't
Is there any other trick i could try?
Thank you for your patience

I hope this bug will be fixed soon ;)
