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Old LvL 1 characters

Vindictus Vertreter: 700
Posts: 6
in Suggestions and Feedback
Hello I'm writing in regard of taken names by lvl 1 characters that have a few hundred days of inactivity.
They ocupy a name that is practically not even used by anyone...And there are some people, like me, that would love to be able to use the name they are known in a certain community or stream, but unfortunately the name belongs to one lvl 1 character that hasn't been playing for over 2 years...
I hope this will raise some awareness and that at some extent you could ask in the future a certain name to be unlocked if it didn't hit a certain base lvl, and specially if the character is offline for a long period ( e.g 1 year ).

Thank you, and I'm waiting for people's opinions.