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Opening 2x 7 day departure packs

Vindictus Vertreter: 810
Posts: 6
edited February 26, 2020 in Bug Reporting
So I just opened 2x 7 day departure packs (with 5 lisence in each) to spam aodhan. Both 7 day departs were different kinds of packs. Problem is that I can only use the first 5 depart tickets, as the 5 new ones I should've gotten when opening the 2nd depart pack don't show in my NX inventory. Please help!


  • NokaubureNokaubure
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,185
    Posts: 176
    edited February 27, 2020
    that's not how the item works... it gives you 5 departures each day during 7 days (so a total of 35 departures), using multiple of them at once doesn't stack the effect
  • HitteHitte
    Vindictus Vertreter: 300
    Posts: 2
    Nothing to lose dungeon has a bug in a Party, when you portal to next map you crash. Tried it many times, all partymembers crash going to next map. Has been now for whole week ppl told me. Plz fix it, some players can't move on with storyline.
  • HitteHitte
    Vindictus Vertreter: 300
    Posts: 2
    "Nothing to lose" dungeon has a bug in a Party, when you portal to next map you crash. Tried it many times, all partymembers crash going to next map. Has been now for whole week