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New Voice for Characters


  • Phar1Phar1
    Vindictus Vertreter: 550
    Posts: 6
    Please revert the in-fight voices to the ones they used to be or give the option to choose between the new and the old.
    The problem is actually that the grunts in-fight don't cancel on animation cancel of the attack

    Playing with the game muted sucks, but it's still better than suffering the new voices.
  • conkconk
    Vindictus Vertreter: 200
    Posts: 2
    Please allow an option to toggle between the new and old combat voices. There has been a similar issue a long time ago which lead to KR voice mods that apparently lead to people being banned and honestly, I don't know why Nexon thought it would be fine now. Some of the new combat grunts just don't suit the character or skill at all and overall feel rushed and poorly implemented.

    Most of us have come to love the previous voices and it just seems weird to have them changed out of nowhere for the worse. I don't see the harm in letting us choose between old and new; apparently the Chinese client already has this feature.
  • BasiliskBasilisk
    Vindictus Vertreter: 300
    Posts: 2
    Not only i like old voices better. I'll even throw a suggestion for a new approach. Keep making more VA, but sell it as customizable voice packs.
    Who wouldnt like to hear someone like Terry Crews scream EXPLOSIOOOON when your karok uses Big Bang??
    (with the option to turn off/ tinker with other players VA of course, or else it will turn into chaos)
  • BasiliskBasilisk
    Vindictus Vertreter: 300
    Posts: 2
    Not only i like old voices better. I'll even throw a suggestion for a new approach. Keep making more VA, but sell it as customizable voice packs.
    Who wouldnt like to hear someone like Terry Crews scream EXPLOSIOOOON when your karok uses Big Bang??
    (with the option to turn ou other players VA of course, or else will turn into chaos)
  • MihairuMihairu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 200
    Posts: 3
    Adding in my opinion, would like to see an toggleable option to use the old battle voices, the new ones just do not fit the characters.
  • MihairuMihairu
    Vindictus Vertreter: 200
    Posts: 3
    Adding in my opinion, would like to see an option to allow us to choose the old combat voice please.
  • TsutariTsutari
    Vindictus Vertreter: 810
    Posts: 11
    Yessss please i hope this will be adressed! I really like listening to the blade cutting effects and explosions of magic. Not a bit fan of the new battlecries though (Fine with voicelines!)
  • TsutariTsutari
    Vindictus Vertreter: 810
    Posts: 11
    "We" is who exactly? Also the discord reaction to it post patch was very clearly of displeasure. Personally im fine with voicelines but not the ingame cries, thats all
  • Phar1Phar1
    Vindictus Vertreter: 550
    Posts: 6
    Please revert the in-fight voices to the ones they used to be or give the option to choose between the new and the old.
    The problem is actually that the grunts in-fight don't cancel on animation cancel of the attack, which leads to overlapping voicelines/grunts.

    Playing with the game muted sucks, but it's still better than suffering the new voices.
  • UrbanHermitUrbanHermit
    Vindictus Vertreter: 200
    Posts: 2
    As someone returning to the game after about 8 years (old Evie player), I can't compare old to new voices for the newer characters, but I will just chip in my opinion here on Arisha. I'm having a hard time liking her just because of her combat voice. It's flat out annoying.

    I really want to like her... love the Spellwhip... but her combat sound is so repetitively dull. It's the same husky sounding "huh!" over and over and over. At least with Lynn and Delia I hear a little variation of "Heh!", "Hih!" and "Hyah!". But with Arisha... man... it's difficult for me to stay interested in her.

    Her dialogue voice is fine, but we only hear that occasionally. It's the combat cries that really matter. Here's to hoping for a revamp of that in the not too distant future.

    I like the idea of having different voice sets available for purchase.

    I can only imagine the disappointment and frustration for people who had to experience the changes in all of their beloved characters.