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Website main page has ridiculous CPU usage.

Vindictus Rep: 1,020
Posts: 39
edited December 22, 2016 in Tech Support
While viewing the main website at http://vindictus.nexon.net/ in my Chrome browser, the CPU usage for the tab shoots up to absurd values. I have an i7-6700k processor, and the tab by itself will take up as much as 50% of the total processing power shown in the task manager. It appears to happen when having partially scrolled down the page, to where the latest news section is visible. I have no idea why it does this, but it's extremely irritating and there's no reason it should take that much resources. The problem only happens when the tab has focus in the browser; if I'm viewing a different tab, it works fine. The behavior is the same whether or not I alt-tab out of my browser to other applications, and it has a heavy impact on the performance of other games if I leave it open.