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Damascus steel.

Vindictus Vertreter: 630
Posts: 14
edited Mai 13, 2019 in General Discussion
Can anyone give me some advice how to get lots of steels? I recently got back into the game and have only gotten maybe 2-3 from raids but I see some people selling hundreds! Is there any other ways to get steel?


  • AxxonAxxon
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,135
    Posts: 44
    From what my guildies told me.

    Lvl 90s raid got poop drop rate for Steels. They only become ''common'' in Astera (double the rate of 90s Raid).

    Spam Astera, spend spoints from Onslaught (those are not bound), use monthly ticket for x3 Steels (bound) and use Dullahan +15 instead of Astera since since you 5 times less Steels (11 steel a reforge for +14 Dulla VS 60 for +14 Astera... yup)

    Onslaught and Astera raids are your best bets, join a guild, it helps alot (More drops and raids if you guild is maxed out and got too much GP on their hands)
  • LanncinateLanncinate
    Vindictus Vertreter: 630
    Posts: 14
    Guess i’ll look into onslaught etc! Thanks a ton :)