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Please Improve the rate of events

Vindictus Rep: 1,615
Posts: 92
edited April 26, 2019 in Suggestions and Feedback
As the title says, I'd like to see more events than we have currently. Looking and comparing other region servers, and they usually will have anywhere from 3 or more events running at the same time, and there always seems to be something to do there. By comparison, we usually just have one event that will last a whole month, two if we're lucky. It makes the game feel a lot less fun or active than it could be. I remember quite a few years ago before I took a break there was always a large number of events going on compared to how it is now.

I'd really like to see a higher rate/quality of events, because even now when we get them, even for seasonal events, it's just "do temporal missions every day" and not really much deviation from that. Maybe a few more frequent shorter term events, as well, such as ones that give out nice rewards but only last about 2 weeks or so, thereby making players actually participate thoughtfully in these events or want to keep coming back to log in. Or even making Attendance events a constant thing, like login bonuses for Mobile games. Everyone likes to know they will get something for logging in, and it works to keep players coming online.

I hope that some of these suggestions will be taken into consideration, thank you.
  1. Should we have more events than we do currently?5 votes
    1. Yes, please add more events in the future
       100% (5 votes)
    2. No, the rate of events is fine
       0% (0 votes)