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Transparency Epaulet Suggestion

Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
Posts: 792
edited März 16, 2019 in Suggestions and Feedback
While you can enable/disable the transparency of wings, tails, weapon glow, and outfitter, you are unable to do so with other pieces of armor. Such as headgear, chest, greaves, gloves, and boots. For those that don't want to use fusion runes, a transparency epaulet that allows you set which items you want visible/invisible, would be a great idea.


  • AngelYukkiAngelYukki
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,300
    Posts: 184
    Twinkling armor
  • QueenOfManaQueenOfMana
    Vindictus Vertreter: 4,960
    Posts: 792
    I know of Twinkling Armor, I meant being able to disable/enable what gear you want in battle. Like i.e disabling Helm or Chest piece; the item will still be equipped, but it will look like your character isn't wearing it.