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Dullahan glitch or intended?
I didn't take a video, but for the first time today I've seen something where Dullahan at 3x life bars repeatedly does the jump -> red shockwave move. He never went into the phase where you have to avoid the ghosts.
I couldn't get back to Dullahan and got trapped between him enclosing the arena with ice and then using red shockwave. Is that a bug or something intentional? I can take a video if need be.
Looks like this except he kept doing it endlessly:
and dev cats are encouraging this by nerfing Dullahan and Abomination shields
That's pretty wild, so it's an intentional part of gameplay? I've been doing solo runs since returning so this has been the first time I've seen it.
I can't imagine the gear you'd need to tank that though? Dullahan does massive damage to me.
Same for Eoch, except with Eoch you'd want to hit without blocking him as his damage bypasses DEF, blocking him kills your party.
Whereas for Dulla you'd want to block him to skip, weaker parties can skip the second phase, strong parties can skip both. You don't need too much DEF, the shockwave doesn't do much damage, just dodge the jump.
Really? If I get hit by the shockwave I lose more than half health. From a full bar I could come close to death by it.
Basically if you have 20k+ def it doesn't hurt much ;-)
I tend to always do this on my lann. For my fifi it is hit or miss depending on the party. And if I have a trans to burn.
You must not have a lot of DEF. Either that, or you're not using Ironhide stims
The trick is to have Max HP as the damage on that move does specific damage
Use I frames of Transformation before you die and again into second trans afterwards
yup the move does a flat 1.5k damage which most can shrug off or pot through if you don't get hit by it multiple times.
Gotta love when it staggers you and standing endurance drags you back with the wave causing another hit(s).