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need Asking and giving advice Enhancement System

Vindictus Vertreter: 750
Posts: 30
in General Discussion
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1.In last patch . how many count we can restore item of fail enhancement from npc cat ?

2.from 1. if suppose i used enchantment (scroll 6-7) and then destruction. if i will bring enhancement and failed. What will happen about to item
(i mean item will be gone or can restore)

3.on the other hand. if item used enhancement failed and i bring item use enchantment (scroll 6-7) . what will be item

4.If i use Extraction Rune for enhancement and failed what will happen between item is gone or just can restore from cat

P .S Item used restore from cat

thank you very much


  • AngelYukkiAngelYukki
    Vindictus Vertreter: 2,300
    Posts: 184
    1. Can restore as many times as you want as long as you reforge beforehand. You cannot reforge a +15, but you can restore if it breaks going +15 -> +16
    2. I'm assuming you're saying you broke it from enchant, restored, and then break it from enhancing? Should be able to restore and reforge normally.
    3. Never tested but you should be able to restore an item that's broken from enchanting even after enhancing. I'm assuming that the reforged status stays even after you break it from enchanting and restore it with AP.
    4. Item breaks, you get mats from ALR and your enchant scrolls with 100% success back. Once you restore, it keeps the enhancement level but doesn't keep the enchant scrolls and ALR.
  • WinViper4016WinViper4016
    Vindictus Vertreter: 750
    Posts: 30
    edited Dezember 30, 2018
    AngelYukki wrote: »
    1. Can restore as many times as you want as long as you reforge beforehand. You cannot reforge a +15, but you can restore if it breaks going +15 -> +16
    2. I'm assuming you're saying you broke it from enchant, restored, and then break it from enhancing? Should be able to restore and reforge normally.
    3. Never tested but you should be able to restore an item that's broken from enchanting even after enhancing. I'm assuming that the reforged status stays even after you break it from enchanting and restore it with AP.
    4. Item breaks, you get mats from ALR and your enchant scrolls with 100% success back. Once you restore, it keeps the enhancement level but doesn't keep the enchant scrolls and ALR.

    thank you very much sir

    2. i mean if i used enchantment scroll but fail and item is destruction. then Later i have restore item and i use enhancement item. what will happen. but i really forgot for this. item still not reforge is cannot enhance next level
  • PrototypemindPrototypemind
    Vindictus Vertreter: 8,530
    Posts: 1,320
    I'm pretty sure that if you destroy a restored item an additional time via enchanting, not enhancing, that it will be gone for good now, but don't quote me on that. That's just what I think I recall, likely owing to the fact that Nexon still wants to make you purchase enchant runes to protect items you really want to keep. If I'm wrong that would be a very welcome thing, would be nice to be able to yolo a bit more.
  • NoSleepNoSleep
    Vindictus Vertreter: 1,195
    Posts: 45
    I feel like it'll be gone for good. Uh I'm sure no one would want to test this particular theory...
  • Order5Order5
    Vindictus Vertreter: 5,900
    Posts: 935
    edited Dezember 31, 2018
    I tried, but The Dead scroll ended up working. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to restore it though. You could already restore it after breaking it via enchanting the first time, so it really doesn't make sense for it to break a second time and not be restoreable.