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* Grimden deal least damage from the front of the target, then more from the side, and most from the back. It will show yellow damage numbers when hitting from side and back.
* Active and Devastate fully charged (and not on cooldown) will hit single target from its back ensuring the most damage.
* If you hit normal attack and hold, it will launch the target and if you smash immediately, it will do a jumping down kick.
dodging on bosses's odd/even hit
-1-hit [rear block]
-2-hit [dodge, rear block / rear block, aerial evasion]
-3-hit [rear block, dodge, rear block / dodge, dodge, rear block]
-4-hit [dodge, rear block, dodge, rear block / rear block, dodge, dodge, rear block]
-basically end with "rear block"
works well almost all bosses
-rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge
-smash after dark charge is dps
hopefully grimden gets a revamp because some hits cant do "rear block > aerial evasion"
basic hit - rear block > aerial evasion + smash > dark charge + smash
long combo - rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge + smash
-boss has 4 hits
-250 sp
- no cooldown
-2 hits
-125 sp
-10 sec cooldown
-250 sp
-15 sec cooldown
-750 sp
-2:30 min cooldown
-350 sp [250 sp for each Kasana] = 600 sp
-3:00 min cooldown
-1:54 min active
--250 sp
--1 min cooldown
rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge > smash x2
-boss has 6 hits
rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge > smash x2
[slight delay at beginning for the first 2 boss hits]
-boss has 6 hits
rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge > smash x2 >
rear block > aerial evasion > dark charge > smash x2
-boss has 7 hits
credit goes to JwB
-boss has 3 hits
dodge > dodge > cleave > smash > smash
-shortcut to smash 4th and smash 5th
credit goes to 라포
at 16:50
rear block> aerial smash, rear block> aerial smash, dark charge> smash x2, rear block> aerial smash, dark charge> smash x2, rear block> aerial smash, na>block>na, dark charge> smash, active: spine snap