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S> +12 Dulla arm/Weap,quality +1 service, Vanityyy
Items for sale:
Note: Everything is 2* quality unless otherwise specified
+12 dullahan chest plate (Full OJ) (4*) 140m
+12 dullahan greaves (Full OJ) 100m
+13 dullahan helm (Full OJ) 200m
+12 dullahan greaves (Orange Main, Purple Solid and Smooths) 80m
+12 dullahan gloves (Orange Main, Purple solid) 70m
+12 dullahan helm (Orange Main, Purple solid) 70m
+12 dullahan spellsword (Full OJ) (3*) 200m
+13 dullahan dragonspine (Full OJ) (5*) 600m
High roll quality Astera Feet Essence 20m
Cash Shop Items:
Regina Wings 700m
Zecallion Roar Set (version with the dyeable lion head) 350m
Black Outfitter Dyes whatever the current price for these are

Twinkling Armour 150m
Twinkling Pants 120m
Twinkling Hand/Shoes/Earings 20m each
Quality Enhancement +1 Services 15m per star (Only doing items under 4 * and that are tradeable)
All prices are negotiable
Please send offers via private message on forum or mail box ign: NomNomNom in game.